I am - The lovely Zoe Ame

The lovely Zoe Ame's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/02

Dream avatar. Please, help?

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About me -

My name is Zoë Rain. I'm mature for my age but don't let that fool you. I absolutely despise stereotypes; seriously. Leave labels for soup cans. I can't think of any general ones that stick to me anyhow. Lets get it straight -- I'm ******** original. I dislike school with a passion, but I love learning new things. I tend to be sarcastic, I use that and my sense of humor to hide how vulnerable I am. I don't care what you've done, where you are, or where you're going. The only way I will judge you is by how you treat me and the people around me. As of now I don't have any set goals. Most of my life consists of hoping, waiting, and longing. . .that might be a problem later on. I often come off as a quiet person but I'm not always that way. I love to laugh and do so frequently. Music is like air to me. I pretty much need it to survive. Along with that, I like drawing and playing the guitar. . .they're extreme passions of mine. I adore gloomy days and the rain but that's just me. . . I think the world is a beautiful and, at the me time, a hideous place. Regardless, I can't stand half of the people in it. Unfortunately I regret many things in my life. I think everyone secretly does. One day I'd like to travel the world, its something I've always wanted to do. I could most definitely say I'm a nice person, unless you find some way to change that. My best friend would be Kiley, I've known her for decades and lord knows i love that girl. Hah.

My kind of music. . .

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View All Comments

grimdearest Report | 12/04/2010 1:26 pm
hey x3
Tieru911 Report | 06/04/2009 1:31 pm
Hey Zoe,(: Nothing much im sitting next to yu,wht are yu doing,?
GreatAssassin222 Report | 06/02/2009 1:58 pm
well thats nice of u...lol i hav a ps3 and xbox 360...lol
GreatAssassin222 Report | 06/02/2009 1:38 pm
ya theyre pretty sweet
GreatAssassin222 Report | 06/02/2009 1:22 pm
lol im using my psp to type...and its hard
GreatAssassin222 Report | 06/02/2009 9:47 am
no...idk im wierd i have no idea lol
Hanz Von Luck Report | 06/01/2009 11:43 pm
Thanks smile
GreatAssassin222 Report | 06/01/2009 11:35 pm
and for sum reason i dont know y
GreatAssassin222 Report | 06/01/2009 11:34 pm
ok lol i was scared XD
GreatAssassin222 Report | 06/01/2009 11:24 pm
but dont tell me if u dont want to

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Things I enjoy.

Concerts, Guitar, Drawing, Outdoors, Boating, Excitement, Music, Writing books, Dreaming, Photography, Junk food, Animals, Having fun, Dyeing my hair, People who aren't stupid, and more.


Hello, and welcome to my page.


Thanks for reading!

Visit - www.freewebs.com/zoeharris - To see the real me.