The Lighter Half's avatar

Birthday: 03/09



Name: Nyasia Navarro
Age: Appears young
Gender: Female
Home: The land of Ice and Sorrow

History: For as long as the inhabitants of the mysterious land, where winter and sadness prevail, can remember it has been the duty of the Princess to leave and seek the Prince. With the return of the couple light and warmth can be restored to a supposed former glory. Unfortunately even the legends of such a time are too old to be remembered.

Time passes strangely in Nyasia's world, age is chosen not lived, people leave sleep til the end and those that have lived the longest cannot remember being born. The days she spent being readied for her inevitable venture could just as easily have been months, years or decades. As she stepped off the edge of the world, nobody watched, nobody sent a goodbye. The leave of the Princess was tradition now and they didn't return.

Appearance: Nyasia has white skin that glistens like snow ever so slightly and is cold to the touch. Her eyes are a startling bright blue that seem empty. High cheekbones and full lips would suggest a beautiful face if her expression didn't seem so lost and her lips weren't a chilled blue. Her hair flows around her a shade warmer than her skin and lingers in the wind.

She remains barefoot at all times and has a graceful walk that mimics floating. The soft feathers that hang around her seem to cover her as she moves, falling at the perfect angle to keep her as covered as she needs to be. A belt of rigid feathers sits on her hips showing the wings of her house at her side.

Personality: After leaving her home Nyasia has the same lost demeanor of all her people but with her title comes a sense of calm. Since coming to the new world she has become inquisitive, wanting to learn about the emotions of these people. Any sign from her would normally be sudden and brief.

Other: With her came a knowledge of magick. Her talents are in manipulating water and wind in particular reference to the weather. Summoning snow or ice is her usual occupation but as she grows used to new emotions she will find other uses for her talents.


For James

People say that nobody's perfect. They're wrong. He IS perfect because I wouldn't change a thing. Now I have him I won't let him go...


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Vulgar Fantasy Report | 10/08/2012 4:40 am
Vulgar Fantasy
would you be willing to cut a deal for demon manifest? o3o
Avalon Azure