
Hey, My name is Brittany, but you can call me whatever you want. I have millions of nicknames. My life seems like a never ending roller coaster ride. I turn 18 on August 22. I am offically done with high school, and will be attending MCC in the fall. I am a pretty clumsy person, but I guess I'm just trying to live up to my last name. Yes, I have big boobs. You don't have to remind me that I do. I act older than I really am. I was taught at a young age to be on my own. I am who I am. I do not care what you think about me. I am a pretty open person. I'm willing to let people to know the real me. I believe I am bisexual, but I'm not sure. I have crazy OCD, which helps me to enjoy cleaning. I make mistakes, but who doesn't? I am far from perfect. My phone is connected to me at all times. I text like crazy. I love making others happy before myself. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and also in second chances. I love saying "That's what she said" or "That's what he said." I don't watch much television. It is kind of pointless to me. I basically live off the computer, or off of my cell phone. Panda is my best friend and my girlfriend, but my other friends are amazing too. There is so much more to learn about me so either message me, text me, or IM me. My AOL screen name is britplustany, and if you don't have my cell number, message me for it.