The Eternal Immora

The Eternal Immora's avatar

Last Login: 06/26/2013 10:28 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/09

Occupation: Apprentice Chef


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Breif: I'm 19, I'm pretty laid-back, easy-going. I'm in college AND I work full time, in the little free time that I have I just relax.

More specifically...I'm an apprentice chef, going to school for culinary arts, i work at my buddies restaurant as first cook. I like watching tv and movies, playing video games and playing on the computer. I love music and art. I like sports, hockey and baseball mostly. I'm very interested in astrology, and I like to write - thats why I RP so much on here.

Anything else can be found in my interest tags, or you can just ask.

My RP Characters

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Age: 387, looks 23
Powers: Isaac can easily seduce women to feed on them, he is also very charasmatic to the point where it's impossible to detect when he's lying. He can send thoughts and images with his brain and he can pick up on other people/vampires thoughts and ideas.
Personality: Isaac is very cold and distant to nearly everybody unless somebody can make him open up. He's very troubled and struggles to keep the Beast at bay. He's brilliant and clever, and a bit of a loner.
Biography: Isaac was turned into a vampire by Immora when he tried to attack her after his 23rd birthday. He was very drunk and she was stunning, after she denied him he tried to overpower her but she defeated him effortlessly. Immora saw great promise in him and also wanted to punish him, so she gave him the Dark Gift and after teaching him how to live as a vampire, she left him to fend for himself.

(ancient vampire)
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Age: over 1000 years old (she slept for 400 years)
Powers: Immora is incredibly strong, easily one of the strongest vampires still walking the Earth. She has the ability to seduce or pursuade anybody just by the intensity of her speech. She can read other vampires thoughts, and she is involved in Blood Magic Rituals (she can drain blood without having to physically suck the blood from her victims)
Personality: Immora is absolutely insane, the Gift has turned her into a ruthless killing machine, she is blunt and to the point and has no capacity for human emotions. She is a beautiful monster.
Biography: Immora has no recolection of her previous life, but her Sire was an ancient Hungarian vampire known as Ambrus. Ambrus was extremely wealthy and delved in all the human earthly passions such as music and art, and shortly after Ambrus burned himself to death, Immora decided she dissagreed with using her powers to create human beauty. She cares not for anything material or beautiful, those things are for humans.

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Age: 19
Personality: Elizabeth is hard, she lets no emotions show and she fights any emotions she may feel. She is so full of hate and anger that she has become completely numb to life. She is very strong, and likes to start fights when much bigger men when she gets a few drinks in her, she has never lost a fight to anybody. She is miserable and bleak, she hates everything and everyone, especially herself.
Biography: When Elizabeth was 13 she witnessed her mother being seduced and killed by a vampire, who afterwards laughed in her face explaining that'd he'd be back for her soon enough. She had mixed feelings for this monster, hatred obviously for taking away the only person she had in her life, but also infatuation, knowing what he was and what he could do to her. Since that day, she had trained and planned for the day she meets Isaac again, she welcomes whatever he may bring: death, love, eternal life?


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Ane-chanHeleke Report | 12/16/2008 9:06 am
Hey. Long time no see. ^ ^
Adorkable Monster Report | 09/17/2008 6:55 pm
Adorkable Monster
Hello, this is Neko-chan from the Tales of the raven guild. We had recently undergone a HUGE growth and would like for you to join us by posting. You can role play, write and share poetry and stories or simply chat it up and share opinions or ideas in the chatterbox. I sincerely hope to see you there. ^_^

Also I would like to remind you that if you are not active in the guild we will be doing guild cleanup and deleting inactive members. So please come by and chat with us.
Malon T Report | 06/16/2008 2:01 pm
Malon T
Thanks for your input in my "Age is not just a number" thread. Means a lot.
BLOTTERCHILD Report | 06/14/2008 8:28 am
Do I know you though?
blaqkaudioraver Report | 06/13/2008 9:00 am
HOLY CRAP!! U LIKE ALL THE BANDS I LIKE!! the postal service, death cab for cutie, billy jeol(artist not band), the cure! AND you are an apprentice chef!?! U R LIKE THE CHICK VERSION OF ME! u HAVE TO except my request.


Lots of clans, very in-depth storyline, set in LA, lots of available characters!
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines RP


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