The Charming Mrs Bowie

The Charming Mrs Bowie's avatar

Last Login: 06/22/2014 4:37 pm

Location: Disney World

Birthday: 11/18

Occupation: Imagineer

David Bowie

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Hey. Thanks for checkin' out my profile.
*I'm weird. Ask anyone.
*I like boys in cars, the one's who buy me drinks in bars and wear hairspray and denim.
*I eat my candles on November 18.
*I'm 15.
*I'm a band geek and play trombone.
*I love heels.
*My favorite song constantly changes but right now it is Drive-In Saturday.
*I think Freddie Mercury is the greatest singer of all time.
*I love David Bowie..
*I love Valve games.
*I wear a lot of bows. Big bows.
*You remind me of the babe.


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I'm an alligator, I'm a mama-papa coming for you
I'm the space invader, I'll be a rock 'n' rollin' b***h for you.
Keep your mouth shut;
You're squawking like a pink monkey bird
And I'm busting up my brains for the words.
