Introductions Anyone?

I'm a flamer. I do what I want. So deal with what ever demons that you face and hand them over to me to use on others. I love to cause pain and hatred for others. If you have a nasty comment to leave me, I beg you do so. Then it just gives me more to throw back at you.

Some say I have no life, friends or family and I say, believe what you will. I have things that I want and need. I have slaves and I have underlings in reality so I don't need them here unless to satisfy my untolerable hunger to cause suffering. I can also, surprisingly, be a very good person. Since I do enjoy taking others demons from them, I listen to peoples issues and help them find answers. But.... I only do that for people that I don't hold a grudge against.(which isn't very many people) To have me on your side.... is a really ******** good thing. So don't piss me off......
As time goes on,
I am The Burning Hatred within you all.......