That Radioactive Chick

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Birthday: 06/24


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Total Posts: 166

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suck it. <3


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XxIshEmmaxX Report | 06/07/2010 2:46 pm
Everyone says that, lol! But if anything, I've learned a dislike for sweets and such since working there. Well, part of that is probably from where the dentist did something horrid to my tooth and it now hates frosting, but still xD
And yeah, being fluffy isn't so bad. I should know ;P

Sounds like you have been a busy Chick O: Broken into, really? Ugh. I'm actually quite thrilled to learn I've gotten you addicted ;D Watch Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge. It's amazing. I'm addicted to the anime and manga of that one too, but the drama's totally different in the best way. Migraines suck. Boo.
XxIshEmmaxX Report | 06/07/2010 12:54 pm
Baking work stuff mostly xP Icing cinnamon rolls and baking breads, interesting stuff there... not xD I get so sick of looking at the stuff. But then I can come home and lurk or watch my j-dramas so it's all good.
What about you? You have to have been doing SOMETHING for the past two months, lol! Anything interesting?
XxIshEmmaxX Report | 06/07/2010 12:30 pm
Just the usual work stuff. Blegh, boring really. Glad to see you lurking again ;P
XxIshEmmaxX Report | 06/07/2010 12:25 pm
Hey Chick. Haven't seen you online in forever. Everything going well?