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Terra Shadowblade's avatar

Birthday: 08/09


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Hi guys, Im new to Gaia! This is my very 1st post ever! Im 13, in the 7th grade, and I love Action Movies! I'm a BIG Keanu Reeves fan, I love Anime like the movie Princess Mononoke. I'm a 4.0 honnors student, and my interests in a future carrer is in cartoon animation. I am a sparky, live wire girl. People say I undoubtedly have Moxie! heart

My Aquarium

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!


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Kanra 0rihara Report | 03/03/2013 10:32 pm
Kanra 0rihara
Cool avi
Kanra 0rihara Report | 03/03/2013 10:31 pm
Kanra 0rihara
Cool avi
Kanra 0rihara Report | 02/24/2013 9:01 pm
Kanra 0rihara

copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to
Kanra 0rihara Report | 02/21/2013 5:35 pm
Kanra 0rihara
Iris-Amara Report | 01/28/2012 9:05 am
Thanks for the purchase!
depil_killcha Report | 01/21/2012 6:47 pm
cool avi whee
Erailea Report | 01/21/2012 11:28 am
I generally recommend Booty Grab to people. It's easy, doesn't require research (like you'd need to do to play the marketplace) and deals out pretty good gold in a short span of time. The only real issue with Booty Grab is is lags for some people and it can get pretty boring.

Buuuuuuut, you can, on average, make 1-2k a game (if you hit the right tanks) and each game lasts only 60 seconds. So, if you play 20 minutes a day you can make an average of 20-40k. You can make up to 150k a day from the game, after that you get little to nothing until a new day starts and resets the cap. Best place to play is in the Aquarium forum. I recommend mermaid, enki, lawn mower and water meat tanks but just about any tanks that's glowing with 5+ fish tends to be good (not always, but generally. I know there are fish I'm missing that give lots of gold, but I haven't played the game in quite some time and can't remember them all. You'll figure it out though the more you play)


DIE HARD= John Mc Clain scream , "Yippy kaye yay mama f*©ker!"
ROBIN HOOD MEN IN TIGHTS= Achoo xd , "If I were that close too a horses di©k, I'd be worried about being pi$$ed on!"
•At my lemonade stand, I sell the first cup for free. I then sell the 2nd one for $5. It contained the antidoe!

•My computer beat me at chess. However, it was no match for kickboxing.





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