Tea Drinking Tiefling

Tea Drinking Tiefling's avatar

Birthday: 01/05


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Tea Drinking Tiefling is one of Bluetabbycat's mule accounts.

Just so you know...

"Tieflings are a fictional race in the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy tabletop role-playing game.

Tieflings were originally introduced as humans with demonic ancestry. A Tiefling is a being whose lineage can be traced back to some degree or another to that of a fiend or demon within the Dungeons & Dragons universe. A tiefling should not be confused with a half-fiend as half-fiends are generally half mortal being and half fiend or demon, whereas the demonic lineage of a tiefling's ancestry often lies further up the family tree. In 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, Tieflings are a race whose human ancestors made a bargain with devils to increase their power.

Unlike half-fiends, tieflings are not necessarily of evil alignments. Tieflings of all alignments exist, including good... In 4.0 Tieflings have the same alignments choices as any other starting character." According to Wikipeia.





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