Greetings one and all who come to read this for i am one known threw the internet as many names weather its here on gaia as Tan, Imvu as TanrasinBlade. or other places,( u wnat to know which places come talk and get to know me and u may find out) i enjoy some of the simple things in life that some say r either for kids or old timers: like anime, it is one of my most favorite things i love to collect different anime picture and i even have a unusual collection on my photobucket of some ppl have told me they have never seen. but besides that i am not much of a reader and i dont understand other laungages that well so i stick with the watching of duubbed anime. so those of u out there that diss dubbed anime remember there r those out ther that cant do anythin but enjoy the dubbed anime. also something i like r computers weaher its a desktop or a laptop i love toying with them. weather its cleaning them, taking them apart or learning to build one of my own, i enjoy learning about each part and how they help the other parts. besides all that as u get to know me u may find out that i like to RP for some of u that dont know what that is here is an example:
* slowly walking up as he smirks crossing his arms around his chest, cracking his neck first to the left then to the right before straightening it back up. he then looks out to the crowed that may or may not be reading this as he smiles and waves to them * " Hello and Greetings one and all and welcome to the page ^_^ i hope u enjoy it and come say hey ^_^
and that is jsut a quick one minute thought for one ^^
well besides all that if ther is more u wish to know plz come get to know me talk to me send me comments or even a messege from time to time.
until them enjoy my page and my music
my emotions.. my poems
i plain to show this world wat kind of emitons ppl can truely have ..by exeriecing them ... and then writing it down and pacing wat i have learned from it to the world
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