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SatansBoii Report | 08/19/2016 4:58 am
Dream Ghoul Report | 12/30/2015 7:30 pm
Dream Ghoul
I've been about you?
EiyoTachi Report | 12/30/2015 3:11 pm
Ahh, a narcolept, my niece has that as well, I am sure you often get tired unless you are medicated, usually you are diagnosed with a sleep study, i am a sleep apnea patient. Like the profile, looks like you are right around my age, haha and have played almost as long as I have, I made an account called redgaarared back then too. Cool profile!
kyoko9610 Report | 06/15/2014 1:44 pm
hey happy belated birthday
kyoko9610 Report | 10/05/2013 5:20 pm
yes it is smile
Fudge Mon Report | 09/22/2013 9:45 pm
Fudge Mon
Dunno, really. Liked the idea of steampunk merman.
Fudge Mon Report | 09/16/2013 8:53 pm
Fudge Mon
Nummuch. You?
kyoko9610 Report | 09/02/2013 11:16 am
Im 16 smile turning 17 in march2
kyoko9610 Report | 08/31/2013 7:08 pm
Its k smile Im usally busy on the summer but when it comes to school not really but yeah... razz
kyoko9610 Report | 08/09/2013 8:01 pm
Thanks smile


tailsx5000's avatar

Last Login: 05/21/2024 7:59 pm

Registered: 07/12/2007

Gender: Male

Birthday: 06/15

G ガンダム シーズン 1 オープニング


Updated (June 11th, 2012)

All right, a lot has happened since I first wrote on this. First off, I am a brony. If you don't know what that is then here is the explanation. A brony is a person who likes the show "My little pony: Friendship is magic". If you're going to get all pissy about it cause I am a male and I like the show the piss off.

I am currently 17 till this friday.
I am a gamer.
I like various food except peanuts, squash, and some other foods I cannot think of right now.
I like cooking
I like sleeping
I am a narcoleptic (google it if you don't know what it is)
and I am trying to get my WoW back....I miss playing that.

I leave for a long period of time, don't unfriend me because I haven't logged on in a while. I will come back.
sgt rex
The Asian Chick
