Help me become T'Pol?


Life of T'Pol

My name is T'Pol. I am the first officer of the starship Enterprize under Capt` John Archer. I am a Vulcan but I have a time with supressing my emotions.

Haha XD

User ImageThis is Ira and me. He is my everything. We both helped each other out of rough spots, we both grew on each other, and now, we're 7 months into the relationship. I LOVE YOU FISHIE!
Heylo, my name is Annie.
It's also Eithne, Celtic, Nocturnal, Shortie, Alar, and Nani.
About this girl.
I'm a a friend, a thinker, and someone's love. I take everyday as it comes and think the question 'why?' often.
I only have MAYBE four friends from my middle school years. I'm lost, confused, and scared. They were like an alternative family of whom I cherished and loved. They were always there, and somehow, someway, I messed up, they changed, and now, I'm about alone. Yet, thanks to Ira, I'm not truely alone. People think I have it good.
I quote from The Outsiders "It's rough all over"
I've been told when people see me, they see a person with a great life. Some people, however, see a b***h, they see a snob, they see a complete a*****e.
I'm sorry, I'm not a robot. When things get rough I get uncomfortable. That's just life. People get upset, people fight, people cry, people change

About my life
I'm fifteen and very shy. I'm not an outgoing person. Only certain people can get me out of my little box. I enjoy reading, writing, and sketching things. Music is a big part of my life.
If I think you're annoying I'll tell you. I tell the truth no matter the consequenses, because it's just simple that way. My favorite color is green, I like artic foxes and fantasy tales. Butterflies are cool too.

About the relationship.
His name is Ira B.A. I call him Fishie. We got together through myspace [lol!] October 10. 2006. We've been happily together ever since!

This is the real T'Pol. She is awesome.