Syntriel Koehali

Syntriel Koehali's avatar

Last Login: 01/27/2018 11:13 am

Registered: 01/31/2005


My name is Eden. I'm 28, married, with 3 cats and 2 dogs. I don't get on here much, but when I do, it's for avatars and Lake Kindred.

Aywas: Eden (#72947)
Subeta: Song
Flight Rising: Josta


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emotion_bigheart Engaged March 23, 09, married May 8, 11. emotion_bigheart
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Posts per Day: 3.59

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Sadorath Report | 06/23/2019 6:31 am
Alot of gaia's active users went poof over the last few years it seems
mandygugs Report | 05/04/2017 11:39 am
Thanks for buying!
Nymaria Nightshade Report | 06/18/2016 7:55 am
I have lots of fish as well, as I dig into the dumpster each day ^^" Thank you for the offer though.
Nymaria Nightshade Report | 06/17/2016 3:27 pm
That's true. Although my wardrobe mostly consists of Red and Blue I think. I don't buy wears that often, I mainly rely on winning them in Lake Kindred. I will have to save up for this month collectible Mau item, as I will need several copies of it.
Nymaria Nightshade Report | 06/17/2016 12:10 pm
I can understand that though. The pale pink has some very nice items. Hence why I have these ears right now xD
Nymaria Nightshade Report | 06/17/2016 8:52 am
Aww, what a nice rosy HA you have this time *__*
Sapphiragurl88 Report | 05/31/2016 6:49 pm
lol wow
Sapphiragurl88 Report | 05/31/2016 6:46 pm
wish i had someone to create a custom profile
Sapphiragurl88 Report | 05/31/2016 6:43 pm
thanks 4laugh

your profile is really cute to biggrin
ozzy in space Report | 05/30/2016 11:55 pm
Sent! Thank you very much! ^___^