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fruity balloons Report | 08/03/2012 5:12 pm
well i make comics so all my art is focused on that and my bands cover since we're recording our full album this weekend ugh im honestly extremely stressed out abuot all of it and just want to sleep for days but what can you do? i just want all my hard work to pay off and i want to be proud of myself for once

i don't know anything about you or anything but i hope you're doing good yourself smile
fruity balloons Report | 07/29/2012 7:48 pm
im sorry i don't even post on here anymore and i don't make gaia art , i haven't for probably a year or so

i have way too much going on irl, im in a band, i make comics, i hold a job, etc and i never have time to just sit and make art for a site i dont go on actively

so if you gave me gold, sorry i forgot and i only have 120k but you can have that if it makes you feel any better, i'm serious
8-Bit Combo Report | 03/02/2012 9:06 am
Thank you sir.
8-Bit Combo Report | 03/01/2012 9:44 am
Sexy Sig Art.
koimilk Report | 02/07/2012 9:53 pm
thank you! 4laugh
SHADDOXX Report | 02/05/2012 3:27 pm
i forgot what i said.

if it had something to do with burning man tickets, registration's closed. they had this random selection process this year and a lot of people didn't get tickets. oh well, there's still several months to figure things out.
fruity balloons Report | 01/29/2012 12:21 pm
oh god i know we ghad to be good friends if i showed you that embarassing video LOL

ill try my best to make it look like your avatar, skully dark stuff isnt my thing but ill do my best!!!
PVBLIC Report | 01/28/2012 12:14 pm
ive always been really impartial 2 radiohead and ive heard that song its aight
these days i have an extremely limited music library
and yeah np
PVBLIC Report | 01/28/2012 12:08 pm
couer de pirate singin adieu
fruity balloons Report | 01/28/2012 11:54 am
its ok, did i ever know you then?

and thanks for the trade, is this what you want me to draw? that might be hard for me but i can try
