
sweet_and_sexy_gurl's avatar

Birthday: 06/10


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Shocker12345 Report | 06/10/2012 8:50 pm
hey hun happy bday: ) plz comeback online :/miss yah bud..
Riaz-The-Brave Report | 06/10/2012 8:58 am
Hey there! Happy birthday! Hope you had a great day and got everything you wanted biggrin I haven't seen you for a while, but I'm assuming you've just been pretty busy lately. I didn't know you had a pic of yourself up on your profile either lol. You have such a beautiful smile biggrin
Riaz-The-Brave Report | 05/02/2012 1:19 pm
Where in towns are you? lol.
Riaz-The-Brave Report | 05/02/2012 1:12 pm
What was rude? Me deleting her or her not replying back? I thought she wasn't on much initially, but I would see her on and she would never talk to me. She would respond to other people's wall comments. It seemed really weird ya know? It made me angry inside. That's good you're adjusting well. Yeah just gotta keep up with a good diet and plenty of exercise your weight will be fine. Stress also makes your weight fluctuate so try not to over do it. Oh I can hang out in towns for a bit before I have to go if you still want to
Riaz-The-Brave Report | 05/02/2012 12:47 pm
Yeah. It wasn't an outright rejection. She just stopped talking to me all of a sudden. Even when I tried to get back into contact with her she never responded. So I just deleted her. Wow freshmen huh? Dang for me that was a long a** time ago lol. I wish I could redo my entire University. But oh well can't always focus on the past. Did you have a good year? Adjusted well? I hope you're not indulging too much with what the freshmen year brings. Ya know...the freshmen 15 lol.
Riaz-The-Brave Report | 05/02/2012 12:16 pm
Ahh yeah finding a job is difficult, but I'm sure you can do it! The new year has been pretty good so far. A bit of a rocky start. I had to quit my job after a year. So right now I'm a bumb lol. But I am studying to prepare for my entrance test into a masters program in psychology. Hopefully that all works out. I am also going to do some volunteering this summer. Been busy getting the paperwork for that. I got rejected by another girl I tried to get to know this year. Surprise surprise lol. Trying to avoid things that are getting me down and moving forward step by step.
Riaz-The-Brave Report | 05/02/2012 12:08 pm
Oh that's cool. I'm a bit swamped right now so I wouldn't be able to pay too much attention in towns sorry. Maybe later? How has the new year been treating you so far?
Riaz-The-Brave Report | 05/02/2012 11:54 am
Yes yes school and all is taking over people's lives lol. I wasn't sure where you went..since never saw you in ages. I guess that was a sign to get back in touch when I saw you in towns after so long. Well...at least I think of those things as signs..I'm a dork that way.
Riaz-The-Brave Report | 05/02/2012 11:18 am
Hey..I just saw you in towns, but wasn't sure if you were the same person I talked to before. Where ya been?
xXPlayaPlayaaXx Report | 01/29/2011 2:04 am
lol yea that would be much easier.names dakota

