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Name: Sven
Age: 32 19
Occupation: Treasure Hunter, Norma's teacher.
Current Residence: Werites Beacon
Weapon: Shovel
Current title: Romeo

((Pictures credit - noirrac on DeviantART
SPOILERS. If you haven't played past Norma's quest in Tales of Legendia.
And don't take my cosplay. I also typed up everything here. Kthx. c:
Also I'm a hardcore NormaxSven fan. But I has a Norma so don't you dare make another! ))

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Never taking life serious, Sven is a silly scholar who devoted his life to treasure hunting, and trying to find the Everlight. He comes off as being a total idiot, but he has a great understanding of what he does and enjoys ever moment of it. It doesn't matter what anyone tells him, when he has his heart set on something, he will go after it at all cost. His most known titles are 'goofball' and 'the world's biggest idiot', and that alone about nails him. He can be serious at times. When it comes to his student, he makes sure to keep her going in the right direction.

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His bond with his student, Norma, is a odd but fitting one. Norma tends to seem to be more annoyed by him then anything else. He loves to joke around with her, telling her silly things like 'Remember when you asked me to marry you?' and such on. Even with his goofy ways, he's always pushing her towards her studies. He even enrolled her in a school when he discovered she could use crystal eren. He supports her in everything like a good master should. It's even been known that he has feelings towards her. He has never openly told her, but he does joke about it from time to time.

User ImageSven was Zamaran's student for a while. But in the end, Zamaran expelled him because of his dream of looking for the Everlight. When meeting Norma, he took her on as his student, and took that job very much to heart. Everyone called him crazy for thinking the Everlight even existence, but nothing would throw him off of his dream. In the end he did manage to find the Everlight, but died from being poisoned. He lived his life to the fullest, and had fulfilled his life dream. He left a note for Norma to find when she discovered where the Everlight was. He had full faith she would reach here, which of course she did. And she granted his wish-- to cure Zamaran's blindness.

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To my dearest student,
I promise that one day, we will meet again in this place.
I shall wait here forever until I fulfill that promise.
Norma. I was only able to find the Everlight because you believed in me.
I never told you, but you were always a constant source of encouragement for me.
When everyone else was laughing at me and telling me I was crazy, you alone listened to me.
Whenever the two of us were together, we'd laugh and goof around so much I'd completely forgot about my troubles.
The time I spend with you is truly priceless to me.
Of course, my face would turn so many shades of red if I actually said this to your face.
I hope you'll forgive me for doing it like this.
I pray that you will find this place in the not-so-distant future. I have faith you will.
So I leave you these words: Thank you, Norma. Thank you for everything.
And also..
You did work hard, and you did a great job.
Norma, you rule! You are the best student anyone could ever dream of having!
Raise your head, Norma! Walk proundly, Norma!
Look forward to tomorrow, Norma!
A limitless future awaits you there!
To Norma Beatty, from Sven, with dreams and wonder.

((This is for roleplay! The reason to how Sven is still alive and such. Don't like it. Don't care. >3> ))

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After being poisoned, Sven was close to sure he was going to die. Had it not been for a young adventurer by the name of Rose, he would have too. The young girl helped Sven back to his feet, and was quick to get him medication to cure his state. Due to the fact it would take a long while for all the poison to leave his body, the girl didn't allow him to leave her, and he ended up being dragged off the Legacy. Not being able to send out word to his student, or anyone for that matter, he was claimed as dead.

User ImageAfter making a full recovery, he wanted nothing more then to return to his student. Rose agreed to help him find her, and the two headed off. Upon returning to the hometown where Norma had been before hand, he discovered she had left when she heard the news of his death. From there he knew he had to go find his dear student on his own, and parted ways with Rose. He returned to the Legacy, where he found himself on a wild goose chase as he leaped from place to place trying to find Norma. Everytime he ended up just a few steps behind.

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In the end he settled down in Werites Beacon, keeping a low profile until all the action with the war and such calmed down. He did manage to find Norma, and a spark to their relationship ended up happening. But that's a whole different story~

Sven the goofball
iiNorma Beatty
Sven the goofball

-long rant about everlight here-