
suiling's avatar

Last Login: 07/17/2007 8:00 pm

Registered: 07/08/2007

Gender: Female

Location: New York

Birthday: 03/25/1992

Occupation: Daycare Provider


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Name: SuiLing, Sui for short.
Age: 15
Current Sex: Female
Ethnicity: Asian
Birthday: March 25, so I expect presents! blaugh
Height: 5'1'' ( crying )
Me Speakys: English, Chinese, a bit of Japanese and mostly efficient in Spanish. SI, YO HABLO ESPANOL.
Location: New York. Figure out where...somewhere in my profile!
Interests: Anime/Manga, Cosplay, Art...and I also collect dolls.
Status: Single and Lost in Space

Yayayaya!!!!! Short profile, don't know s**t about BBcodes so...that also tells you how computer literate I am. You ever want to talk to me, my AIM's "missonblue" and I guess...That's all for now. I have to go in the corner and think about something interesting about myself.

*3 Days Later*

...Okay, so I am slightly desperate. I wish for someone to read my journal and comment on it. Please do so. The first person will get a free t-shirt!* Yeah, a bit annoyed as a n00b and staring at Rina all the time.

*no...not really.


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Sui's Very First Online Journal

I am Suiling, so you can call me Sui for short. ^^ I'm fifteen and I'm currently happily employed at a daycare center.




There is life, and then there is summer.