Kelly Mae. (:

O: Why hello there :{D
My Name? you wanna know my name hmm? Get down on your knees and i'll tell you (; JKJKJK ahahah. My name is Kelly Mae :{D Im 15 years old and live in vegas (: Im into alot of music...mostely deathmetal. ;D buhaha! im alost into classic rock, rock, metal, techono, heavymetal, and .......alterntive. hehe...I have one percing...lip. Im getting my otherside perced to get snake bites. yeah sexy...i know right(; ahahaha f u c k. hmmph. Oh yeah. Im really random...just warning you ahaha. I do give second chances..sometimes. Im currently fuc king taken by Austin!! I love him to death!... he is one of the only people i trust. He is hecka ******** sexy(: hehe. He is in a band and i find that sooooo awesome ahaha. so yeah. He makes me smile when i don't wanna. and thats just ******** sweet(: lol. Sooooooooooooooooooooo you have a myspace? ooooooooh kool so do i. You should add me.
yuuuuuuuuuuuuups :{D

Reese - mc chris :DDD

stupied rainows

Photography is my life...When i grow up this is my dream job. Taking pictures of random s**t that i want ^w^