
studdmuffin2011's avatar

Birthday: 03/27

Equipped List



Aboutt Mee;.
-tha names -Joshua.
-this is mii.
-Joshua Taylor Rose.
-Junior at CHS.
-Graduate in the year 2011.!
-seventeen years of age.
-March twenty-seventh-muahh Birthdayy.
-Eye Color-Brown
-Music-Rap & Rock
-Favorite Color-Lime Green
-Favorite Soda-Pepsi biggrin
-Hair Color-Brown
-Favorite Candy-Sweet Tarts.
-Pro Football-Pittsburgh Steelers
-Pro Baseball-Pittsburgh Pirates
-Holiday-4th of July.
-T.V. Show-Family guy&&M.T.V.2.
-Favorite Store-Abercrombie&Fitch
-Favorite Season-Summer



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babyygirl2012 Report | 05/14/2010 9:43 pm
heart I love you baby. with all my heart,and so much more,your always on my mind,and you make me feel so special,
and loved,and i've never felt that way with anyone else but you.I want to be with you when im old,and slow.(: baby.
you make my life complete...and just can't tell you how much i love you.cause for me to tell you how much i love you
would be like explaining how ice or water taste and thats love for you is uncontrollable and when i
get to see you i dont know if i am going to be able to control myself,cause im going to want to hug you and
hold you in my arms forever and never let you go.I wanna be with you for the rest of my life and until death do us
part,Baby you are my life now.and dont you forget that.Im never going to leave you.And i dont plan on leaving you.
and your the boyy i've fallin hardest for.And i will give my life to you.And i will do whatever it takes to make you happy.
I have your back through everything and anything,And baby im not just your girlfriend im also your best friend.(:
I hope you feel the same way about me as i do about you.And These 8 months that we have been together have
been the best 8 months of my life. heart I love you so so much babyboy.<3 i promise you that i will love you forever.
God.Babe.and i all i wanna do is keep tellin you i love you too.soo here.I love you too.I love you too.I love you too.
babyygirl2012 Report | 05/02/2010 5:14 pm
Mhmm babee.<3(: and i slept with the blanket you left at briana's house
last niight baby.♥(: I miss you and i love you so much babe.<3 yer my life,my best friend,and my boyfriend.And BABE.<3 IM FALLIN IN LOVE WITH YOU(:
babyygirl2012 Report | 05/02/2010 5:12 pm
Ha awhee. babee.<3 i love you soo much too.!!
and i have one of yer shirts its a blue one and i sleep with it every niight.
that wayy yer somehow always beside me.(:
babyygirl2012 Report | 05/02/2010 5:10 pm
I figured. you would babe.(: haha
and did i ever tell you how muchh i ******** love my boyfriend biggrin
babyygirl2012 Report | 03/13/2010 12:02 pm
I ******** Love You.[:
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
babyygirl2012 Report | 03/13/2010 11:58 am
I Triple Pinky Promise.!(:
I Will Never Leave You.(:
And Ta Hear You Say You
Wont Leave Me.(:
Makes Me The Happiest.
Girl Alive.(:
babyygirl2012 Report | 03/13/2010 11:55 am
Im In Love With You Too.(:
But Not Only Am I In Love With
You............................ Babee,
Im Falling In Love With You.(:
babyygirl2012 Report | 03/13/2010 11:50 am
Well babe.(:
I love youu biggrin
i dont ever wanna loose you
and hearing you say that.
makes me fall for you more and more.
each day.! and yer the reason
for my smile,getting up in the morning.
and looking forward to what life has to give.
biggrin I D O N T want anyone else but you.
and i never will,and i will only love you.(:
babyygirl2012 Report | 03/13/2010 11:45 am
Nah Uh, babe[:
i love you more than the entire universe.
times infinity,and you mean the world
to me too,(: and you dont know how important
you are in my life either babe(:
every time i think of you
i Smile.(: and you make me feel so important.
and if i lost you i wouldn't have no reason to live.
you make my heart skip beats. like a scratched cd.
you take my breath away.(:
i love you so much hun.
babyygirl2012 Report | 03/13/2010 11:39 am
Naahh babe yer too cute, and more amazing.(:
I can't wait to see you either[:
I Love you so much more than you love me biggrin

Hm.I Love Youu.*!<33(:♥