
Hi, Hi! I am StrawberryFireworks, but please feel free to call me Berry or Fire. (To stick with calling me only Straw or Works is rather awkward, no?) I am an on again, off again Gaia roleplayer, and I have been roleplaying since 2010. I am currently starting over after a three month sabbatical, so obviously I am currently on again.

As far as my role playing abilities go, I typically type 500-700 words per post, though I can, and possibly will do more. I love roleplays with a good story and a lot of chatter in the ooc, so if there is a lot of this, I'm not going to talk to you unless you om or skype with me stuff....yeah I will probably get bored and leave. I tend to be a slow typer, just warning, but as long as I don't stretch myself too much, I am good for two or three good posts a week.

As far as the personal stuff, I am probably older then the average role player, though I have, in my years, met several others in my age bracket. I live in Southern United States, and, oh the horror, I live with my grandmother, who at random intervals likes to turn the net off just to be mean to me. I do have a steady job, that keeps me busier than I like, and a steady boyfriend, who would suck up all my free time if I let him. I also have two small dogs, they are my life sad though it may seem.

So far as the hobbies go, I like to drink coffee and Mnt. Dew, and with the amounts of the two I drink, they should be considered a hobby. I also like a nice cup of hot tea before bed, though. I enjoy watching anime, though I don't do so often, too much other work to be done, and I am always up for suggestions. I am also a writer of sorts, though I think at heart all role players are. Currently I am working on one good sized Harry Potter fanfic, and one original work, which I have been told is good. If you want to read my writing, I am flattered, so please just ask and I will post it in my journal for enjoyment.

So, that is me. Any questions? I hope not, because I may not answer them. Bye for now, and I hope I'll see you around.

Berry Out!