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StraightUpKnife's avatar

Birthday: 07/30


Yo. Its SUK. JK, I'm just a fan. My name is Ren. I'm pretty sure the real SUK won't be mad at me cause I'M Helping out his channel here so ya. Go ahead and check out his channel. (Link on bottom) He's an amazing COD player and one of my favorites. I'm also going to be opening a youtube channel and i thought since I'm kinda young I'd rather take gaia gold then youtube money. So if people make donations and I get my number one item on gaia which is Cloud then I'll make a huge montage of me playing FFA Gunplay, Infected, Clutches, Trickshotting, Quickscoping, and etc in all COD Games. I play ps3 so if u wnt to play with me then add me : StraightUpSilent
Alright Peace guys and wish me the best of luck on Gaia and on Youtube. Thanks!

StraightUpKnives: http://www.youtube.com/straightupknives
StraightUpSilent (Me): http://www.youtube.com/straightupsilent - I'm still opening it so you won't see any videos yet.


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FF7CloudStrifeVII Report | 07/16/2012 4:20 pm
I will here in a bit
RosePandaz Report | 07/15/2012 4:24 pm
i forgot r u my brother or sister redface
RosePandaz Report | 07/15/2012 4:14 pm
Ok i will soon


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