about this agent

Hello there. I am agent 001256, otherwise known as Spy Frog.

I've been snooping around towns spying and recording noobs (or 'noobies') that are up to no good. [aka 'cybering']

Since the act of cybering is not prohibited in the gaian world, I am here to protect everyone of these so called 'cybering noob idiots'.

I record these illegal acts when Gaian noobs are in houses, not suspecting I am there. How do I go in houses unnoticeable? The world may never know.

You'll never know where, when, or how I strike. I happily upload these video clips of these cybering noobs onto youtube. I shall have a full section on this very page with video clips of these people. Also, I will happily display these criminal's usernames for the world to see. They will be shamed.

*Cough* Well then, let me leave you this. Be aware, you pitiful disgusting 'cybering' noobs, for you have been warned.

- Spy Frog
Agent 001256