LaraofSquad6 is my photographer, you already know her if you're looking at my profile.Nobody knows who I am. Not the real me.
It's, like, nobody cares enough to find out…
I mean, does anyone ever ask me what I
want to do with my life? Or what my opinion
is on stuff? Or what restaurant to order from?
No- No one understands. Not everyone
has a mother who's a model…
Everybody cares what she thinks. Just
'cause she can do runways and stuff.
Plus she gets away with everything.
'Your mother’s at a photo shoot'
I could so model if somebody
handed me a contract. But I'd think
of a cool name and wear awesome brands,
which she doesn't even...
Lara’s the awesomest person. She's the
only one I know who likes photography
as much as me. She and her husband are
both teachers. They do fun book stuff which is
so much cooler than modeling. I told mom one time
I wish they'd teach me some of the things
they do together, and she got really quiet
and made me go upstairs.
Lara’s husband is so into her.
They're always kissing. And groping.
I don’t see what she sees...
I think it's cause he's just… so… so…
Old. I'm not sure how old he is, 26 or something,
but I heard him use the word 'newfangled' one
time, so he's gotta be pretty far gone...
John is so cute. And funny. And brave.
John treats everyone like an equal.
He doesn't look down on people -
He looks at me and I feel like he sees me as I am.
Not like my mom who sees me as a burden...
Not that mom will really change at all.
Like she ever would.
She still thinks I'm little miss nobody,
just her dumb little daughter.
Boy, is she in for a surprise.
I RULE & Billy SUCKS!!!!!!
I adopted Drusilla ! ! !

I Adopted Glory!
Loves: The key
No Loves: Vampire Slayers
Owner: Spikesdru
You wanna Adopt one???
Adpot One!

I Adopted Glory!
Loves: The key
No Loves: Vampire Slayers
Owner: Spikesdru
You wanna Adopt one???
Adpot One!
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