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Kagura1889 Report | 06/07/2008 3:22 am
Would you like to win a Grunny?

Why not buy some tickets from AB91's grunny lottery, you never know you may just strike it lucky User Image

The Grunny Lottery link
Snaillover56 Report | 02/12/2008 1:06 pm
NO MEANS NO! Don’t pressure your date! [*Flames in eyes* A soon as you start to pressure the person, the relationship is OVER!]

Girls don’t always need a knight in shining armor [Please, it’s the 21st century women are independent]

Find common interests [I like pears, do you like pears? great! It’s as easy as that]

If things go South get a friend to save you [Always have a friend call you an hour into the date. If you need to get out of there, it’s easy and doesn’t look like you faked it *wink*]

Be yourself [They like you for who you are, that’s why they asked you out. So take a chill pill and act like you normally would]

Dress comfortably [dates are for having fun. Be comfortable!]

Don’t be desperate [If your clingy your appeal goes down to about -17]

Good hygiene [You don’t want to offend you date do you? Messy hair, B.O, and yellow teeth, no thank you]

Your gf/bf is not your whole life (friends and family count too!) [Having a bf/gf doesn’t mean you have to give up your friends.]

Make them laugh [Humor is the best way to be remembered]

Don’t break up over the internet or by text message, do it in person [If the relationship doesn’t work, do the polite thing and break up with them face to face]

DON’T BE LATE! [Your date will think you forgot about them. Plus it is a major pet peeve to people. It’s one of my pet peeves]

Get your date home on time! [The parents will respect you and trust you more if you bring them home on time. Bonus points with parents are always a good thing]

You won’t find true love on your first try (in most cases). So keep looking for that special person. [You might go through a bunch of bf/gf’s before you find the one, so break-ups are a given]

Have fun! [Dates are meant to be fun. So don’t stress and if things go wrong, use them to your advantage for next time]

[] = my comments

[Have a nice time dating and don’t forget, neither of you should have to change yourselves for your date. They need to take you for what you are.]
italiandiva1002 Report | 01/16/2008 1:23 pm
User Image
Kagura1889 Report | 11/09/2007 12:11 pm
Thanks for adding me....did you sell anything? =^.^=
Phoenixious Report | 10/14/2007 11:20 am
Random comment back at ya! q:
Steffitalks4ever Report | 09/30/2007 3:32 pm
LordNoah218 Report | 08/09/2007 2:43 pm
damn comps. lagging. sry.
CLATON97 Report | 08/08/2007 11:21 am
hey your cool so waz up girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
