Soulkyssed's avatar

Birthday: 01/04


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I'm inherently evil, unprincipled with a questioning heart.I'm the one who smiles and tells you everything is gonna be okay and tries to make it better all by myself, if I think you're worthy of it. If not I will blow smoke up your @$$ and feed you to your problems.
I'm the girl who gets cheated on, put down, dumped on, and treated like a dog, but I keep holding on cuz a beat dog doesn't have to be a mean dog.
I am a bottle of pills, a cold shiny barrel of a 45 and waffling ambition of extremes.
I control the fight you are about to start. I'm a pair of my ex's holey jeans I can't give up and new motorcycle I'll test drive a million times but never buy.
I am broken sunglasses, and flip flops on a rainy autumn day.
I am the best you ever had
I'm powerful through my intuition
I'm beautiful because I know my flaws
I'm a lover because I've been a fighter
I fear taxes but not death
I'm wise because I learned in error
I can laugh because I know all too intimately what sorrow is.
I'm a clever little ninja thing with a shroud of mystery but you can read me like an open book if you're not illiterate. I can cook like a master chef and I'm patient as a saint. I can be funny at times, and my rage would make a volcano envious. I'm sweet calm and collected most of the time, and I don't need a savior or a Tetanus shot. This is me in a nutshell, and I am forever, a work in progress.
Thinking outside the box, devising fresh, unexpected solutions to difficult problems are a few ways to picture them in action.
I'm being a Nonconformist, bizarre, eccentric, unique, flamboyant, zany, weird, and outlandish individual subject to long periods of dependency on others.

I Love to shock people with my unusual and outrageous behavior

I tend to follow the beat of my own drummer; don't conform to societal protocol. (unless specifically requested to do so)

I am Unpredictable, energetic and spontaneous

Iam an Admirer of the avant-garde and eclectic in art

I Like being around people but tend to be a loner because others are embarrassed by me, until they either need someone with the snappy come backs or a cool head in an emergency.

I do enjoy being the center of attention yet prefer working alone to teamwork.

I am attracted to cutting-edge industries and companies for work, but a janeof all trades when it comes to where I actually end up working. E.G Hardware stores, Pharmacies, Lens Crafters, Sandwich artisans, Care giving at Alzheimer/Demensia facilities.
I love to learn but tend to have a short attention span; often don't finish what I start unless I have a boat load of time to mess with it, or finish it-Reading or Writing novels.

I am innovative, creative and artistic (in a unique and bizarre way)

I can be free-spirited, freedom-loving, adventurous, love to travel.-Thus is only part of why I have plans to enlist in the USAF. Even if I'm gonna be stuck in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Germany for years at a time, it's not here.

I'm self-accepting, self-appreciating, happy and optimistic

I'm rebellious but not out of anger (usually); I just don't like structure

Money serves the purpose of giving me the freedom to travel, try new things and buy outrageous stuff
Making people believe I'm ambivalent about anything.I'm less interested in generating and following through with detailed plans than in generating ideas and possibilities. When I'm correctly on a team,I offer deep understanding and a high degree of flexibility and problem solving ability. I regard comments like "it can't be done" as a personal challenge, and, if properly motivated, will spare no expense to discover a solution.
Well I've been playing with the idea of facial recognition software and how we are hardwired psychologically to assign certain attributes to people's faces. By an unbiased pannel of objective Science nerds they have come up with what you will most likely see in me when you look at my face. You be the judge.
Stability results were low which suggests you are very worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.

Orderliness results were low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Extroversion results were high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
craves attention, messy, open, rash, irritable, likes large parties, low self control, weird, fragile, does not like to be alone, emotionally sensitive, worrying, depressed, heart over mind, does not respect authority, dependent, not rule conscious, not good at saving money, more interested in relationships than intellectual pursuits, likes to fit in, very social, frequently second guesses self, phobic, suspicious, not careful, outgoing, vain, compassionate, aggressive, likes to make fun, and hates to lose

But I say, ask me out and you be the judge. But the most important thing to remember is ASK ME OUT! The worst that can happen is I say no and you move on to bigger and better things in your world. But for that one lucky guy who got the gumption up to ask me out, who knows, you might be surprised.
Schrodinger's Cat, The eye in the pyramid, The golden Apple, Leviathan-Robert Anton Wilson
Srimad Bhagavatam:First Canto Part one-Swami Prahupada
The Tao of Gung Fu-Bruce Lee
You can read anyone-David J.Liberman phd
The Urban Primitive-Raven Kaldera
Brick, Iron Monkey, Kungfu hustle, Lucky number sleven, Matrix, Boon dock saints,Tank Girl

Music-The Old Skid Row (anything Sebastian puts out)Red Hot CHili Peppers, Aerosmith, Paramore, Leona Lewis, Jewel, Gorillaz, Blur, Special K the Zigzagman, Red Jumpsuit apparatus, Fallout Boy, Panic at the Disco, Warrant, Cinderella, Whitesnake, Heart, All American Rejects, His Infernal Majesty, Marylin Manson, Boys Like Girls, Skunk Hour, Spiderbait, Three Days Grace, Avenged Seven fold, Breaking Benjamin, Cascada, Taylor Swift, 10 years, Puscifer, Sean Paul, Starstruck, Deathcab for Cutie, Darude, Dirty Vegas, Mindless Self Indulgence, Kill Hannah, John Mayer, DJ Skylab, KMFDM, Yin Yang Twins, T-pain, Akon, Eminem, Korn, Blink 182, PCD

Food: Fresh bananas dipped in White Chocolate Strawberry low fat Yoplait, Ruby red Sierra mist Popsicles, blue berries and cream oatmeal, Yuki's Hotel California Sushi roll (YUM!)

In the realm of things where these would be desires I must over come to end my suffering. I would say nothing. However. In a more materialistic venue of things on this plain of existence I believe I'd be quite upset if I didn't have a Boyfriend communicate with me regularly. Food that tastes good but keeps me in an alkaline state to further promote avid weight loss.
Shot gun/energy drink supplements. My book of Shadows, My Tae Bo video, and the blokus game from my-year-book-dot-com.
Have to keep mind body and spirit in balance or be in a deficit I must avoid.

I have a bad habit of enrapturing people with my ideas or my general aura. My intensity has a habit of engulfing people in its wake. Some love it because they equate it to exciting and adventurous, and even Awe inspiring times. Like I'm a muse or something. Kids and animals fall in love with me. Back when I was a baby sitter and my Ex-husband I first got married, the six year old boy attacked my Ex telling him he had to share. The kid was pretty upset I didn't marry him instead. So cute.
You're a man of your word, and don't have communication issues. I'm not interested in Mind games, drama, or power struggles. I know my place. I don't have to be told, reminded or put there. My love is like a Sanctuary. A place to exhale, be comforted and cared for without question. But you gotta show me you're worthy of the place you would be when by my side, and on that I'm dead serious.

Added bonus material:
Your Power Color Is Teal
At Your Highest:

You feel accomplished and optimistic about the future.

At Your Lowest:

You feel in a slump and lack creativity.

In Love:

You tend to be many people's ideal partner.

How You're Attractive:

You make people feel confident and accepted.

Your Eternal Question:

"What Impression Am I Giving?"

You have a sharp personality, and you never hesitate to say what's on your mind.

You are always looking to add a little more sophistication to your life. You get bored if things aren't complex enough for you.

People can count on you to be generous and optimistic. You give back to your friends, family, and community.

People don't realize that you're much more old fashioned than you seem. Values are important to you.
You tend to have your head in the clouds. You love to be drawn in to a whole other world.

You are a sensitive person. You find it easy to be emotionally effected by books.

You are a person with a few deep interests. If you're drawn to something, you learn everything about it.

You are a person who loves to acquire possessions. You can't resist a sale, and you own a lot of things.
You believe it's important to do the right thing, even if you aren't rewarded for it.
Not everyone treats you with respect, but good people see your goodness.

You've had a lot of bad luck, but these days it feels like you luck is about to change.
Even though times are tough, hang in there. You'll eventually get the life you justly deserve.
While some people may find Thanksgiving to be stressful, you are able to kick back and soak it all in.
You have a high threshold for stress, and you prefer to just focus on the parts of Thanksgiving that you love the best.

You may go unnoticed at times, but you are often the glue that holds everything together. People would be unsatisfied if you weren't around.
You are easy going and easy to love. And a lot more interesting than boring old dinner rolls!

Your Arabic Name is Hadeel Safiyyah
You Are Seductive and Ruthless
You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

You are very quick to forgive your family for wrongdoings. You don't expect them to be perfect, and you try to help them out whenever it's possible.

You have confidence in your family to take care of itself and make good decisions. You especially have this confidence in the younger generation.

When times get difficult, you are able to be the adult in your family. You are able to keep your family together.

You have trouble keeping up with your family member's birthdays and anniversaries. You are often late with your gifts.
You Are Disturbingly Profound
You're contemplative, thoughtful, and very intense.
Taking time to figure out the meaning of life is a priority for you.
Because you're so introspective, you often react in ways that surprise people.
No one can really understand how you are on the inside... and that disturbs them.
You're the type of person who can sit all day planning a new idea or a project.
You like to discover and create. You are likely to have a challenging career and challenging interests outside of work.

You give a first impression of being a bit obsessive. And while this is true, you never let your obsessions take over you.
You are an armchair scientist. You like to experiment and tinker with things to learn about them.
You have a fun personality, and you find it easy to get energized about almost anything.
Your dreams (and daydreams) are active and colorful. And you even make a few a reality.

You are so full of joy and enthusiasm for everything! You always notice the positive.
You have that certain something. People from all walks of life are drawn to you.
Of all the types, you are the most "mad scientist." You love to really get to the essence of how things work.
You are also a total brainiac and good at crunching out equations. You are very detail oriented.

You understand concepts and theories well. You are capable of very abstract thought.
You are inventive and creative. You might create a drug to make everyone smarter or come up with a totally new food flavor!
You are loving, kind, and empathetic. You feel for the world, and you truly value peace.
You have many close relationships, and you work hard to make them harmonious.

You are accepting and understanding. You are tolerant of all sorts of viewpoints, even if you don't agree with them.
You are very forgiving. When you love someone, your love is unconditional.
You're never one to feel too settled in your life - you're always looking to shake things up.
You are lively and energetic. Even when you feel done for the day, you usually still do something else.

You are enthusiastic and optimistic. Many things sound good to you, and you are reluctant to rule options out.
You are quick to respond. You sometimes get a little tired of waiting for everyone else.
You are warm, friendly, and welcoming... and your home should be these things as well.
You like to work hard, but you also appreciate your down time more than most people.

You know how to kick back and relax. Other people find you a joy to be around.
You may not be able to be on vacation every day, but you like to bring a little vacation home with you.
You are strong willed person who loves to try new things. You are highly adventurous.
You don't like being told that you can't do something. You resent too many rules.

You have an appreciation of all of life's complexities. You enjoy contradiction.
You notice subtleties more than most people. You have a discerning palette.
You Are a Carnation
You are down to earth and grounded.
You tend to be more traditional than trendy.
Your confidence gets you through anything.
People trust you and are very loyal to you.

You wear your heart on your sleeve, so of course you should also wear it on your ring.
A heart diamond is the perfect choice for highlighting your passionate disposition.
Only a true romantic can get away with wearing this ring. Luckily, that's you.
And only a true romantic can give you this ring, so make sure you find him...

You tend to approach falling in love seriously. You know that each new person could be the one.

You see love as the most important part of your life. You don't obsess over it, but it is what gets you up in the morning.

You see love as calming and relaxing. Being with someone makes you feel pampered and cared for. You need a stable relationship.

You are swept off your feet by words of love. A love letter or love poem from your sweetie can make your heart melt.
You're picky about food quality, but you're not picky about eating strange things.

You are a very open eater. You like many types of tastes, and you'll eat just about anything.

You have trouble making decisions quickly. Everything looks good to you... especially at a restaurant.

You are social, outgoing, and a risk taker. Among your friends, you are the first to try a new food.
You are a very broad minded person. You try to avoid judging or even having expectations.
You'll say yes to almost anything, and as a result, you tend to live a pretty wild and crazy life.

You are a colorful person with a lot of good stories to tell. You are definitely not a wallflower!
You have a wicked sense of humor, and you're amazingly funny. You get people laughing in no time.
You have sophisticated tasted in food, and more than anything, you really like to go for high quality ingredients.
You understand that a perfectly grown and ripened pear is a beautiful thing... and really quite underrated.

You prefer to eat minimally prepared food. You think complexity often just hides poor quality ingredients.
In your mind, there's little better than an expertly poached pear, or pear served with a fine cheese.
You are a total hippie. While you may not wear Birkenstocks or smell of incense, you have the soul of a hippie.
You don't trust authority, and you do as you please. You're willing to take a stand, even when what you believe isn't popular.

You like to experiment with ideas, lifestyles, and different subcultures.
You always gravitate toward what's radical and subversive. Normal, mainstream culture doesn't really resonate with you.
You are active, a challenger, and optimistic.
Hard-working, you are always working towards a set goal.
You are passionate and intense. You are well known to be a little fiery and wild... you can't help it!
You aren't mean spirited. You just believe that rules should be broken. You like to run free and do your own thing.

You are really quite gentle and docile if you aren't pushed. You are exceptionally sensitive and intelligent.
You get along well with others, and you're generally quite patient. You don't tolerate anyone being abusive or incompetent though!
You have an optimistic outlook. When troubles come your way, you try to see how you will grow and learn from them.

You feel like you can't depend on anyone but yourself in this world. You feel quite alone sometimes.

You feel relieved about your past and those you have loved. You are happy to be moving on with the future.

You succeed by tapping into your reserves. You have an extraordinary amount of energy and endurance.
You are open minded, flexible, and adventurous. You never quite know where you're going, and you like it that way.

You take a lot of time to enjoy yourself and live life to the fullest. You don't mind being in the slow lane.

You find that most tasks are easier than you anticipated. Things are never as bad as they seem.

You work hard for the material rewards you get in the end. You wouldn't have your job if it didn't pay you.
You are provocative and challenging. You help people realize who they really are.
You live a very balanced life. You always take time for love and art.

You are both a powerful and generous person. You always have time to give back.
People find you to be incredibly ethical and loyal.
Your Shamrock Says You Are Wise
You are well balanced and good at taking charge. You have good judgment.

Sometimes you take on too many projects at once. You get stressed out rather easily.

You don't really consider yourself a lucky person. In your view, people create their own luck.

You are traditional, easy going, and appreciative of the simple things in life.

Where you don't have gaps in your knowledge:

You are a true visionary. You are very inspired.
Your friends can always count on you to be adventurous. You're up for anything.

You are a truly bold person ... though sometimes you can be a bit too outrageous.
You are a bundle of energy. You are hyper morning, noon, and night.
You Are Green Tea
You are a well balanced person. You don't have many highs or lows in your life.
You enjoy bursts of creative energy and productivity. But you also enjoy your downtime.

You are insightful and philosophical. You don't take much personally.
You are at peace with who you are. You don't have an inflated sense of self.
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You Are Chardonnay
Fresh, spirited, and classic - you have many facets to your personality.
You can be sweet and light. Or deep and complex.
You have a little bit of something to offer everyone... no wonder you're so popular.
Approachable and never smug, you are easy to get to know (and love!).

Deep down you are: Dependable and modest

Your partying style: Understated and polite

Your company is enjoyed best with: Cold or wild meat
You Are a Mojito
You are quite deceptive. On the surface, you seem fairly innocent and totally light hearted.
But beware to those who don't take you seriously, you can pack a hardcore punch when you need to.

Your motto is "kill em with kindness", and you're so sweet that you fool almost everyone.
There's a lot more to you than is apparent on first glance. You're complex, tough, and completely addicting.
You're the type of person who does well both in the early afternoon and the early evening.
You thrive with a routine, especially if this routine means waking up super early in the morning.

You love to be cozy and calm. Too much excitement tends to drain your reserves.
You have the most energy during the fall and winter. When everyone else is winding down, you feel inspired.
You are always thinking up new and amazing ideas. You are not bound by rules or convention.
You never do something the same way more than a few times. And you never follow a schedule, script, or recipe.

You love to experiment, and you just laugh if your experiments fail miserably. You're always learning something.
You never get too attached to any one thing or idea. You'll just end up changing it soon enough anyway!
You are naturally inquisitive and curious.
You're excited by new ideas, and you are a true independent thinker.

You are interested in what is possible. You like the process of discovery.
You are often experimenting, challenging old ideas, and inventing new concepts.

Rules, restrictions, and limits don't really work for you.
You have to do things your own way, and you can't be bothered to explain yourself.
You are a deeply spiritual and wise person. Your still waters run deep.
You are very perceptive and intuitive. You often see what others are missing.

You are both responsible and fearless. You won't be deterred from your destiny.
You do what needs to be done, especially when others are afraid to do it.
You are a kind and compassionate person. You make friends with people from all walks of life.
You bond easily with people. You highlight what you have in common over where you disagree.

You aren't superficial or status oriented. You love people for who they are - not what they have or how they look.
You believing maintaining and improving relationships. You do your best to be a good friend.
You can handle almost any social situation with grace, even the tricky ones.
Strangers often find you charming and interesting. You are often remembered fondly.
Even if you're not naturally outgoing, you can make conversation with anyone if you need to.

Whether you were born this way or had to work to get here, you are definitely charismatic.
You're popular and well liked. People definitely look forward to being around you.
Your social connections bring you a full and rich life. You understand how important it is to make a lasting impression.
You Are Almond Bubble Tea
You are an ideas person, and you are always thinking of new ways to change the world.
Your taste is somewhat unconventional, although you don't like anything too far out.

You have a reputation for being quirky, and at times, you make sure to fuel it.
You're definitely adverse to following the crowd. You want to do things your way!

You are more expressive than most people. You let everyone know how you're feeling - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

You are a very passionate person. You are highly charged and easily inspired.

You are an assertive person at times. You'll pull out all the stops to get what you want, if it's worth it.

You take a while to fall in love, but once you do, you stay pretty attached to your partner.

You are not afraid of anything. You are brave and courageous, even when most people would be terrified.

You are intellectual and philosophical. You are more concerned with thoughts than action.

You are an amazingly hard worker. You aren't spoiled and you don't mind getting your hands dirty.

You are not easily influenced by other people. You hold your ground and are true to your beliefs.
You Are Aggressive
Your anger and cynicism have morphed into something more extreme: aggression.
You find it easy to be annoyed, and it's almost as easy for you to lose your temper.

While it does feel good to get out a little low level anger now and then, aggression
can be dangerous.
If you can't control your temper, you could end up hurting yourself or someone else. Be careful!
Propensity for Monogamy:

Your propensity for monogamy is medium.
In general, you prefer to have only one love interest.
But it's hard for you to stay devoted for too long!
There's too much eye candy to keep you from wandering.

Experience Level:

Your experience level is high.
You've loved, lost, and loved again.
You have had a wide range of love experiences.
And when the real thing comes along, you know it!


Your dominance is medium.
You tend to be the one with more power.
You aren't a total control freak in relationships..
But of course you don't mind getting you way!


Your cynicism is low.
You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.
No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.
You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.
And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.


Your independence is medium.
In relationships, you need both "me time" and "we time".
You usually find it easy to be part of a couple.
But occasionally you start to feel a little smothered.

Here's the truth: Most people suck. You are just lucky enough to know it.
You're not ready to go live alone in a cave - but you're getting there.
You are a friendly, flexible, and fearless person. Bottom line? You're up for anything.
You are the life of the party, and you love getting people together. You are very outgoing.

You have to be free to do your own thing. You can't stand too many rules and regulations.
You're not easily offended, but it will offend you if someone tells you how to live your life!
You Are an Excellent Cook
You're a top cook, but you weren't born that way. It's taken a lot of practice, a lot of experimenting, and a lot of learning.
It's likely that you have what it takes to be a top chef, should you have the desire...

You Are Creative
You are a good problem solver, and you're always coming up with interesting ideas.

You have smooth and well mannered attitude. People can count on you to charm and delight.

You are chill to the point of being a little lazy. It's hard for you to get motivated at times.

You are a very thoughtful person. Even when you're resting, your mind is churning a bit.
You are passionate, sassy, and downright fiery. You are a total go-getter.
You go at everything full force. At work, you are serious and intense. At play, you are the life of the party.

You are the brightest bulb in the room. People find you inspiring, and you always know how to lead.
You are a super star, but sometimes you burn too brightly. Cool off a little. Find some balance before you burn out.
You are a bit tentative when it comes to new experiences. You have to push yourself to try new things, but once you do, you love the adventure.

You like to think that people see you as intellectual and wise. You consider yourself to be very smart.

You are a very romantic person. You can't help but see the world as it should be.

Right now, stress occasionally makes you feel trapped in your life. You usually have a clear perspective on things though!

Overall, your life is dramatic and unpredictable. You life in interesting times.

You are extremely optimistic about the future. You feel like things are always getting better.
Your Soul is Communicative
You are quite expressive and thoughtful. You see the world in a way that others are blind to.

You are not a very grounded person. You prefer dreams to reality. For you, it's all about possibilities.

You believe that people see you as larger than life and important. While this is true, they also think you're a bit full of yourself.

Your near future is calm, relaxing, and pretty much what you want. And it's something you've been anticipating for a while now.

For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust.
Your home is the perfect place to work, play, and unwind.
Beautiful and streamlined - you understand the importance of design and flow.
Your home is not weighted down by clutter, but it's not austere or sterile.
You treat your home as well, and as a result, it treats you well!
Your awareness is medium. You pay close attention, but you sometimes miss certain details.

Your honesty is low. You may not lie, but you're not exactly open either.

Your freedom is medium. You need a creative outlet occasionally, but you don't always need to be original.

Your trust is medium. You can trust others, but it takes a while for that trust to be earned.
You are a truly courageous person. You believe in yourself and the people around you.
You are a positive thinker and a true optimist. You expect the best from the world.
You Are a Pistachio
You are funky, freaky, and a total character.
You're very different than anyone you know.
There's no way you're changing the way you are...
Which is good, because no one wants you to change.
Sour, tangy, and overpowering, you tend to give people a jolt back into reality.
While you don't sugar coat things, you're honest - which is actually quite refreshing.

You have a quick mind, a gift for persuasion, and a sharp sense of humor.
You have both the drive and people skills to be a very successful leader.
Argumentative and a bit stubborn, you have been known to be a little too set in your ways.
But while you may be biased toward your own point of view, you are always honest, fair, and ethical.

With friends: You are outgoing and open to anyone who might want to talk to you

In love: You are picky but passionate

To achieve more balance: Be less judgmental of those around you, and take cool walks in the moonlight.
Your Taste in Music Says You're Wild
Your musical tastes are intense and rebellious.
You are intelligent... but in a very unconventional way.

You are curious about the world. You love doing something new.
In fact, you enjoy taking risks and doing things most people would shy away from.

You are very physical. It's likely that you're athletic, but not into team sports.
You have the soul of an artist. Beauty and harmony are important to you.
Side 1 of your personality is assured. You carry yourself with confidence and demand attention.

Side 2 of your personality is devious. You are calculating and enjoy being a little wily.

Side 3 of your personality is warm-hearted. You are interested in people, and you get along well with others.

Side 4 of your personality is gregarious. You love to meet and converse with all sorts of people.
Idealistic and thoughtful, you have the mind and ideas to change the world.
And you have the charisma of a great leader, even if you don't always use it!

The purpose of your life: saying truths that other people dare not say

Famous purples include: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony

Careers for you to try: Political Activist, Inventor, Life Coach

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You Crave an Exhilarating Life
Your dream is to live a life of inspiration, ideas, and wisdom.
There's so much to do in the world, and it's important that you accomplish something great.

You desire success, but not necessarily material success. Success could be helping others find the right path.
More than anything else, you want to reach your goals... no matter how high they may be.

You are stable, strong, and full of life. You are an inspiring person.
People turn to you first for leadership and advice.
You are able to gently help people get to where they need to be.
And while you aren't afraid to lead when necessary, you are never heartless or bossy.
You expect others to love and respect you, but you're still working on loving and respecting yourself.
You crave intimacy, and sometimes you try to get too close to people too quickly.

You are afraid of being rejected, and you feel ashamed if someone else doesn't share your feelings.
You tend to alternately push people away and overwhelm them. It's hard for you to find a happy medium.
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You Are Balanced and Thoughtful
You view people with optimism. You have many meaningful relationships in your life.

You had more conflict with your mother than your father. Your relationship with her was healthy but challenging.

You deal with stress in a fairly normal way. Stress presents a struggle for you, but you're usually able to neutralize your emotions.

You require a lot of calm in your life. When things get too hectic, you need to step back and reassess things.
You Are a Dragon
You are very charismatic and incredibly popular.
People are drawn to your energy, but you are a very difficult person to get to know.
You are very active. You are usually hard at work or play.
You enjoy drama, and you enjoy anything unusual or eccentric.
You are wild and a little unpredictable. You have a zany side to you.
It would be an understatement to say you live on the edge. You pretty much ignore the edge!

You have a spicy approach to life, and it's only getting hotter. There is nothing dull about you.
You push yourself on a regular basis. You know what you are capable of, and you refuse to wimp out.
You pay attention to your emotions, but you ignore your darkest feelings and thoughts.
You have some emotions that you just aren't ready to deal with yet.

You understand your emotions, but sometimes it takes a while to know how you are really feeling.
When you're in an emotionally charged situation, your feelings aren't always clear.

You are fairly adept at controlling and mitigating negative emotions.
You don't usually feel better immediately, but you feel better soon!
You love to celebrate, but your favorite parties are chill and low key.
People love to be around you, and you love to be around people. You make others feel like they belong.

You are realistic and practical. You know that there are scenarios in which you can have your cake and eat it too!
You are a sincere, loyal, and supportive friend. Building real and deep relationships matters to you.
Your Colors Say You Are Caring
When you are at peace, you are:

Energized and innovative

When you are moved to act, you are:

Giving and warm

When you are inspired, you are:

Flexible and experimental

When your life is perfectly balanced, you are:

Philosophical and expressive

Your life's purpose is:

To live a passionate life
Of all the mind types, yours is the most mellow.
You tend to be in a meditative state most of the time. You don't try to think away your troubles.
Your thoughts are realistic, fresh, and honest. You truly see things as how they are.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about your friends, your surroundings, and your life.

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hyattchan Report | 07/16/2011 9:01 pm
Hiya~ Thankuuu for the add! 3nodding Nice to meet you!



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