
I guess I'm that girl who's lost in her own head. A secret keeper and a very intelegent person, or so everyone tells me. One who's mood tends to change in a split seond. Who's constantly changing her hair style or color.
I'm a bottle red, but naturally blonde. My hair is about half way down my neck, and layered with one section of long bangs. I'm tall, unfortunately. I'm rather pale skinned. I have blue-grey eyes and kinda poofy lips. My friends call me a toothpick. I don't wear glasses or contacts. I currently don't have braces, but I use to.
I'm very involved with church, going to three youth groups and alternating between two churches on Sundays since my parents are divorced.
I love my pets. 5 dogs, some chickens, a cat, a rabbit, and 9 fish to be exact. And possibly a cow soon.
I like to hunt in the woods behind my house. Turkey, deer, squirrel, etc. And I like to fish in the pond in my front yard.
I do tend to say "y'all" and talk in country-style, because that's how I was raised. Did someone just call me a redneck?
I love rock music and country. Skillet, Flyleaf, Grechen Wilson, Alan Jackson, and so on.
I'm 14. So what?
Please don't get offended if I act like a jerk. Comes with my unofficial bipolarness.
My self-image isn't all that great. I feel forgetable, strange, worthless, purposeless, ugly, hated, ignored, helpless, plain, fake, hurt, broken, replaceable, second-best, unloveable, foolish, cold, flawed, weak, vulnerable, average, and like a waste of time. I've found no one to prove me wrong, by the way they treat me.

Well yeah I'll prob'ly think up some more stuff to put up here later.

My guild. ^^



Journal of Mine

Poetry, journalings, random thoughts, that sort of thing.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/21/2007 11:29 am


oh noes! im always here to comment on your profile! blaugh hehe how are you doing? <3

Report | 05/19/2007 7:00 pm


I'm starting to feel...Comentless.

Report | 04/17/2007 11:25 pm


lol! that sucks, oh thats good ^.^ i hope you get awesome marks on the tests =P lol thanks ^.^
awesome! i just saw i picture of you on your journal and you look pretty ^.^ i want my hair colour really dark purple, which you can only see in the light..and black when theres no light..or just black hair with red highlights as usual..i had ginger highlights once O.O XP

Report | 04/16/2007 11:31 pm


hey! >.< yeah, i havent spoken to you in a while, how are you? ive just started school again, cos spring break has finished T.T and i got exams im 3 weeks..>.<

Report | 03/09/2007 5:16 pm


lol. thankies. xP i like them too. hee hee

Report | 03/08/2007 4:53 pm



Report | 03/02/2007 10:37 am


awesome! i dont sell much.. cos i love my stuff! hehe! but i do if i really have to.

Report | 02/28/2007 11:33 pm


hey! lol yup we havent tlked in a long time! lol i need a new outfit too! but i have nothing rare to sell.. so i do it the hard way ^.^

Report | 02/25/2007 12:47 am


oh! and im great thanks ^.^ and hows about you?

Report | 02/25/2007 12:47 am


hey! ^.^ thanks ^.^ my avi's nothing compared to your awesome avi! lol and you have a nice profile too. we havent tlked in ages >.< how are you?


"Be careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a mans rib. Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior, but from the side to be equal. Under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved."
~from the Hebrew Talmud

92% of teenagers has moved on to rap. If you are one of the 8% that rock out everyday, put this in your sig