The Doctor is Dying.....

Son of the Doctor's avatar

Birthday: 07/31


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Life story...

Well, I guest I'll start with my name. I'm Shawn . My mum's Rose , and she raised me with the help of Gran and Pa. Never really met my father, although I hear about his adventures with mum and who he is. Mum says I'm a lot like him. Talk funny, think a lot, and run about the same way. But every time she brings him up, the look on her face tears both my hearts in two.

Quite a sad story the two of them have. In different universes, one raised a son that the other never knew existed. The other lives a life that is shadowed by guilt, thus does not dare to blink without images haunting him. Hopefully, one day, I can met the Time Lord known as 'The Doctor'.

Right now I'm working with Pa at Torchwood on a device that could transport two people, me and mum, to the other Earth without a calamity resulting. Fingers crossed. Since I was about eight, I was taught by either mum or Pa. Not that I had problems with public schools....well, actually, yeah.... it was boring and some historical events were completely wrong. I mean, I had this one daft teacher that....sorry, went off on a tangent. Now at sixteen, I help Torchwood design and construct. Gran thinks I should of went off to some stuffy university, but I love working at Torchwood. I feel at ease when I deal with all this wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff....


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I'll post what my title says,really. Maybe have some neat images or gifs up too... I dunno...


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x- d o n t c r y -x Report | 06/23/2014 10:39 pm
x- d o n t c r y -x
I'm a whovian too! Love your sig lol.
danaisnotreal Report | 03/30/2014 8:27 am
Hhhnngggghhh~! I died when I saw your avatar! heart
xromanticxshadowx Report | 11/27/2013 4:32 pm
hey i am confused by your bio. said you never met your father, but the doctor told his other self to go be with rose because he was human (one heart).
xXObito_Uchiha Report | 10/31/2013 10:19 pm
that or THIS IS GALIFREY <3 heart heart heart
xXObito_Uchiha Report | 10/28/2013 4:28 pm
owo vale dachem is such as sad song
Raissa Firehawk Report | 10/07/2013 7:35 pm
Raissa Firehawk
Aww thanks x3
Raissa Firehawk Report | 10/04/2013 7:19 pm
Raissa Firehawk
That is a fabulous Tenth Doctor avatar. Haven't seen any better. I love it <3
Uncommonly Common Report | 09/08/2013 3:34 pm
Uncommonly Common
so you know, curiousity came over me, thought id check your profile, now off to sleep........... -vwoooorrpp vvvoooooooooooorwppppp poof-
bunnyboo1312 Report | 06/19/2013 5:38 pm
heart I just LOVE this! i thought i was the only one in this place with taste!!

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