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Hello there, and welcome to my mule account. My main account is, "snort it." I will be using this account to store any money and items that are donated to me for the purpose of the charity. They'll be stored here instead of my main so I do not accidentally sell them. By the way, my wishlist is a lot of the birthday items. This is so that if someone has a birthday, I can surprise them with one of those items, or multiples! I have wanted to start a charity for a very long time, but have never actually done it until now. I was able to do it now because when I first came back after a very long leave, lots of people donated. They donated very expensive items. I now have a very nice avatar I like, no it isn't this cute little noob avatar. The only thing missing from my dream avatar is, Golden Laurels, Ribbon Candy, and Devil tail. I think my avatar looks okay without them, so I have decided to just not try to pursue them for now. Maybe later I'll go after them! I am very nice once you get to know me. I love League of Legends, it's basically all I do, along with Gaia. I am in High School right now, and will be taking summer courses to help me graduate early. Once I graduate I will be moving to Orlando to live with a best friend of mine. If you ever want to talk to me, please PM my main account, this account will be charity related only. Thank you for reading this if you did. ~Melanie.