
Smokeyboy1995's avatar

Last Login: 05/14/2009 5:02 pm

Registered: 12/11/2007

Gender: Female

Location: The beaches of Maine

Occupation: waitress/ hostess/ walking trash can


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Hmmmmm what to say, what to say? My name is Caleigh (pronounced Callie) I'm a hyper active seventeen year old. Sometimes, I have a slight problem with insane rants ^^' I spend most of my time working on Insanity Untamed; The Coveted.; or TSZ

If I ever confuse you with something I've said, don't be afraid to ask me what I'm talking about, cause I seem to have the rare girt to confuse myself and others at the same time....

When I have nothing better to do I make bead bracelets, necklaces, and anklets.

I look at my life with good humor. If i do something stupid I'll laugh it off then move on. ^^

I have three dogs and two cats. All of them are furry little demons.

Sun sign- Leo
Passionate, purring Leo is warm, cuddly and playful, yet fiercely protective of everyone and everything in her domain. She has a never-ending need to shine like the Sun, and so takes plenty of time to make herself look good, inside and out.....not to feed her vanity, but to be the best she can be for those who depend on her.

The pride Leo takes in herself is the gift she gives to the world. She strives to be a model of self-esteem, strength and confidence, as every queen should be. She loves children, playing, acting, games, animals, nature and all the world...and in doing so - she loves herself. The Leo sometimes allows her shimmering boldness to go to her head, and then - she can become the most glorious of entertainers!

Leo needs to share the tremendous sunlight in her soul. She thrives on praise, and suffers without it. She is a great manager, organizer and leader. People love to follow Leo because she is kind and generous. She understands teamwork and can work well under the command of another, but will maintain a constant ambition to be on top

Leo is a fierce, demonstrative, loving person who thrives on constant attention and kindness, yet needs the independence of spirit that recharges her and allows her to stay strong within herself. She strives to be a creative force in the world - through raising children, artistic performance, crafting and designing or leading others.

Rising sign- Libra
The woman with Libra Rising views the world as a place of kindness and beauty. She looks for friendship and partnership, and aspires to be fair and diplomatic. Social graces are important to Libra Rising. She is charming on first meeting, and naturally attractive to people of either sex. She is drawn toward whatever or whomever may offer her comfortable, stylish, even luxurious surroundings. She likes to make herself and everyone around her feel at peace.

Moon sign- Aquarius (born under a waning moon)
he humanistic Aquarius - moons are freedom - loving, original and very empathic in human relationships. Social commitment and the strive for justice take an important place in their live and often make them reformers or revolutionaries. Their personal freedom is always of utmost importance to them. There are only few Aquarius - moons dressed ordinarily, living in common departments or having "normal" hobbies. Neither have they felt inclined to "normal" professions. Aquarius - moons enjoy distinguishing themselves from their environment. With originality and creativity they apply their artistic talents. They have an instinct for new trends and often turn out to be the trendsetters in society. They are emotionally introverted and often still have to learn to express their feelings. Although being very sociable sometimes they stay lonely inside.

Yah, I'm an oxymoron ^^

I'd love to hear from you ^^


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Pinkelixer Report | 05/21/2009 2:02 pm
Like your background. I'm going to draw one of them and send you think late ^_^ sorry its been a while and when I'm in the hallway I'm kind of zoned out so don't take it to seriously if I don't say hi or anything.
nami the lost puppy Report | 05/14/2009 7:04 pm
nami the lost puppy
to the person who hacked thos account you are a jerk
Ryder Myster Report | 05/14/2009 1:04 pm
Ryder Myster
Lol yeah!
nami the lost puppy Report | 05/13/2009 11:04 pm
nami the lost puppy
ack chem test today around 7 ish and i'm not prepped *runs around like the headless chicken she is* help when you get the chem plz i can't fail this test too i already have one where i missed every single question even the ones i think i got right were wrong
nami the lost puppy Report | 05/12/2009 11:39 am
nami the lost puppy
figured it out after i asked thankies for the help and do you want the hermit cat?
nami the lost puppy Report | 05/12/2009 6:51 am
nami the lost puppy
hey how do you name hermit cats? and i got you one too so tell me how and i'll give it to you thankie
nami the lost puppy Report | 05/11/2009 9:16 pm
nami the lost puppy
does yours make you feel like you're from a fairy tale?
nami the lost puppy Report | 05/11/2009 7:34 pm
nami the lost puppy
ooh i soo can't wait my dress is amazing i look like a princess in it
nami the lost puppy Report | 05/11/2009 11:22 am
nami the lost puppy
i would love to go i'll ask when they get home i had frogotten until i logged on to check but yeah if possible i would love to
MyTvMantle Report | 05/10/2009 8:24 pm
Ok, but I still need 2k or 4k.


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