Slight Spectre's avatar

Last Login: 01/31/2021 1:09 am

Gender: Male

Birthday: 02/07


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"Just who am I?"

(DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT MY RP PAGE! Got a few characters whipping about so don't hesitate to have a look!!!

Kellemvar, the Dragon Shaman:

Fraen the Blood Angel:

Runeric (Multi Character site) :

And finally! Spectre The White Lion :

~ So, you wish to know about little old me huh? Well there isn't much to say right now, but do not let the guise of this new account fool you. I was part of the community years and years back, but it so happens that I forgot everything about that previous life and so have had to start afresh. Which isn't all that bad to be honest.

Anyways, back to the question, who am I? Well, as you can see, my name is Spectre. I can be quite the cheerful guy at times and always enjoys a good snuggle when its offered. I loath dishonesty with a passion, no matter what the form and will rip into anyone who I know is lying through and through. Likewise, I am never really able to lie to anyone, I just find it to be a complete waste of time that causes more trouble than it solves.~

There I go again, off on another rant... Right, all you need to know is that I am more than happy to talk, I love having a great laugh with people and am very loyal to those who are close to me. That would pretty much sum me up in a nutshell.
So please, feel free to PM me if you wish. I'll be sure to reply as soon as I can. ~





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