I like animals a ton! I also play minecraft under the name of sliderturtle123 if u see a sliderturtle123 on a server somewhere it's almost definite that it's me. One of my hobbies is converting famous minecraft you tubers minecraft skins into a pony form (yes I'm a pegasister get over it haters). Also I like to watch animes, all thought it's probably more like LOVE to watch it. The only animals I'm not the biggest fan of are arachnids XP bleck!!! And a few insects are also on my bleck list but most I'm ok with. Mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds however I can't love them more! I also love to argue and debate xD but I can usually give helpful advise to those who ask for it. Just as a warning, my attention span and my temper are both very short, but if whatever I'm trying to pay attention to is very interesting to me then i can usually keep to one subject. Hope to see you around! cat_biggrinName: J.W. (try and guess)
dislikes: lying, bullying, hypocrisy, pity seekers and unnecessary boasting
likes: drawing, photography, singing and dancing (neither in public MAJOR stage fright!)
pets: two cats, a dog, a turtle and a fish