Previously known as Kitten_willkillforyou15

My name is Samantha. I am the Octopus Queen, a cactus, a smudge on the rearview mirror of a lot of peoples lives.

I don't have friends. I have one best friend though, and he holds my heart. He is my best friend, my lover, my soulmate, my fiance.

I smoke cigarettes, constantly. I wear glasses. I am not perfect. I don't believe in sin. I have a really shitty job. I'm quiet, usually. You can't stifle my opinions, I am very full of wonder and my mind cannot be contained, I am a free thinker. I used to wear a lot of bracelets. I generally keep to myself, emotional expression has always been hard for me, but I'm getting a little better. I lurk, quietly and you'd never know, but I can be a bit of a creeper. I'm VERY easily confused, and don't take cyber-sarcasm very well. I listen to music like there's no tomorrow, but I have a horrible habit of changing songs really fast. Music is one thing I'm truly passionate about, among a few other things I won't share with you. I enjoy the company of others, and don't think I would do well on my own in this world. I like eating, I'm addicted to food, anything, I'm a human garbage disposal. I love to sleep. I don't like loud noises much. Standing next to the stage at a concert, though, is another story... I absolutely LOVE that. I don't like the light all that much, I'm more of a night-owl. But, of course, I wish I got out in the sun more often so I wasn't so transparent. I do not, under any circumstances, enjoy pools or bodies of water. I am a horribly hateful person and I'm disgustingly opinionated and judgmental. I am spiteful, and vengeful, and I don't recommend getting on my bad side. I am truly content with my life as of now, you may even say that I'm HAPPY with it, and I'm not letting anything change that. <3 My brain is mushy, and goo. So please don't expect me to be completely intelligent at any time. I find stretched lobes extremely attractive, and piercings bring me great joy. My future is full of piercing needles and tattoo guns, I will be a human art project. Makeup isn't my greatest concern in the mornings. I am invisible to most people. I am ridiculously artistic, but also very lazy. My appearance seems to be ever-changing. I am in no way religious, religion, is bad for the soul.

Ask me anything, and I'll be completely honest with you.