
Skate_4_Life104's avatar

Birthday: 04/24




My name is Melissa and I like skateboarding!!!
My hair is actually red and I have a lot of freckles!
I love to hang out with friends and party all night.
and I only fell in LOVE once and still am with this dude from my school

I have a twin named Nicole and she is vampire_lover111
I have an older bro whose 20 and named Nathan
I have a lot of pets.
And I'm a great friend for anyone!!!

You gotta love me!!! not!


You got to love me...Not

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AWWWWW u come all
the way down here
for me! U really
do care!!!
I love u i guess
now lol!!!

I want a guy…
Who would move the hair out of my eyes and then kiss me,
Hold my hands in line at the mall and make the other girls jealous,
Someone who would sing to me at any random moments,
Who would let my sleep on his chest,
A boy who would get mad at someone if they called me ugly or be mean to me,
I want him to call me at least 3 times a day if he went away,
Someone who would let me gossip to him and agree to everything I said,
He would throw stuffed animals at me when I acted dumb and then kiss me millions of times,
Someone who would make fun of me just to make me laugh,
He would take me to the park and put his hands around my waist and give me bug bear hugs all the time,
He would tell his friends about me and smile when he did it,
And we’d make-out in the pouring rain,
He would have never be afraid if he said I love you in front of his friends and we’d get into argument about silly things and then make up,
I want a boy who would kiss me on new years at midnight and count the stars with me,
Who would stay home with me on Friday night just to help me with dinner and watch movies together under the same blanket,
Someone who would tell me im beautiful but not too often,
He would make me laugh like no one else could,
But most of all I want someone who would be my best friend and would never break my heart!

Today I'm happier
than a bird with
a french fry!!!


my twin sis