Shredder's Lackey Rocksteady

ShreddersLackeyRocksteady's avatar

Gender: Male

Location: Dimension X

Birthday: 07/09

Occupation: Da guy dat punches da Toitles' faces in

You laughin' at whut I'm wearin', pal? *cracks knuckles*


So youse wanna know about me, huh?

Da name's Rocksteady. I used ta be a normal schmoe on da street, until da Boss made me inta a mutant. It's kinda wild bein' a mutant, but I kinda likes it. I don't miss bein' human much, cuz I never had no friends anyways, 'cept for Bebop, and he's a mutant-type individual now too, so I tink everyting is copasetic, ya know? I is much stronger den I used ta be, so's I can do a lot more fun stuff den before, like trowin' cars an' smashin' down walls ta steal stuff fer rebuildin' da Technodrome. Da Boss is kinda mean to us, but he gives us fun stuff ta do. When he takes over da world, he's gonna give me and Bebop our own island ta ourselves ta rule as we see fit! Dat'll be real fun!

I really hates dem no good Toitles. Dey is always spoilin' our fun and hittin' us! One o' dese days, I's gonna get dem guys! If it weren't for dem and dat dirty rat leader o' deirs, me and Bebop could have our own island by now! Sooner or later, dey'll get theirs, and we'll get ours! Haw haw haw!

I hates computers. Dey is confusin' and hard ta use. I just like bashin' it up, ya know? Dat's what fun is all about... breakin' stuff! Uh...I gotta go...da Boss is yellin' again...

If it ain't loud, I don't lissen


My pals, who I fights da Toitles wif

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Intruders in da technodrome? Oh, boy, dis'll be fun! *grabs gun*

We better call da Boss

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Start tawkin', youse punks, before I break yer faces!

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Ariana Cheryll Patrish Report | 11/27/2010 9:31 pm
Ariana Cheryll Patrish
*scans your profile n your 'getup'* ...Nnnniice.
Cyber Shredder Report | 01/02/2010 4:52 pm
Cyber Shredder