shonaatthedisco's avatar

Birthday: 03/19

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well, I guess I'm copying my friend katie with this but shhhh biggrin ha she wouldn't give a ******** anyway xP

Name: Shona razz
Birthday: March 19 1998
Current Location: Englaaand xP
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: blonde -_- planning to bleach it lighter soon
Weight: I actually have no idea :/
Piercings: Ears and septum xP but shhhh my parents only know about ears
Tattoos: None >.<
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: errm :/

Food: cookies :3
Candy: it depends on my mood xP
Number: 237532772452374582738923729 who ACTUALLY has a lucky number? o.o
Color: blue <33
Animal: guinea pigs <33333
Drink: ROCKSTAR biggrin hehe
Alcohol Drink: beer :p
Letter: z

Pepsi or Coke: Coke ;D
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds.
Strawberry or Watermelon: WATERMELON!
Hot tea or Ice tea: HOT biggrin
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hot chocolate > biggrin But I still love coffee razz
Kiss or Hug: errr depends on who it is razz
Dog or Cat: heh dogs <3
Rap or Rock: why does rap even count as music wtf guys -__-
Summer or Winter: Summer biggrin I. hate. snow.
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Oww scary xP
Love or Money: idk depends

Most Missed Memory: errr um i dont really have one :/ I probably do but cant think trololololol
Best phyiscal feature: Ahhhh hair. IF I DO IT RIGHT WHICH TAKES SO MUCH EFFORT. I don't really like much about myself so :/
First Thought Waking Up: urrgh
Best Friends: Katie lol thats about it. I have other friends but I guess compared to them she's my only BEST friend ;P
Weakness: being tickled :3
Fears: moths O.O i can go in the room where theres one IF its staying still but thats about it. and omg i cannot sleep in the same room as one o.o even if it's still >.<
Heritage: I. have. no. idea.

Ever Drank: wee bit ;D
Ever Smoked: no, never planning to
Pot: err maybe? wink
Ever been Drunk: err not really
Ever been beaten up: nah
Ever beaten someone up: I'm not that mean hehe i love people xD
Ever Shoplifted: Noooo
Ever Skinny Dipped: err no
Ever Kissed Opposite: yehh
Been Dumped Lately: not dated for a while.

Favorite Eye Color: idk
Favorite Hair Color: idk
Short or Long: Medium
Height: Taller than me.
Style: kinda emo? idk how to put it, I really have the term 'emo' :/
Looks or Personality: Both.
Hot or Cute: Cute.
Muscular or Really Skinny: doesn't matter to me razz depends on what they look like

Number of Regrets in the Past: ahhh to many to list :/
What country do you want to Visit: JAPAN ;D
How do you want to Die: sleeeeep
Been to the Mall Lately: nahh. i never really go shopping :/
Do you like Thunderstorms: nahh, not if you've got plans for the day razz
Get along with your Parents: they hate who I am -_- so :/
Health Freak: Anything but. xPP
Do you think your Attractive: No :/ But I'm glad I'm not one of those people who constantly moan about them looking ugly. Buuuut I do hate the ways I look. so much.
Believe in Yourself: idk it really depends. but arount 75% of the time, no :/
Want to go to College: yehh hopefully to study music. ^_^ hehe
Do you Smoke: No.
Do you Drink: Naa
Been in Love: Mainly with stupid people -______-
Do you Sing: hhahahahahahaahah NO
Do you dance: hahah NO
Want to get Married: awwh yeah biggrin that'll be nice
Do you want Children: only one. hopefully a boy called spencer biggrin I love that name ^_^
widow or divorcee: idk but this question reminded me of fall out boy ahaha xP

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kokoro156 Report | 05/11/2012 10:25 am
Thank you for adding me :3



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