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Shizuka Hio

ShizukaHio Petals Of Fate's avatar

Birthday: 08/18

Music Box Of Sorrow


Shizuka Hio is the pureblood vampire who bit Zero; even her fellow vampires are uneasy around her and refer to her as the "Madly Blooming Princess". A manservant whom she loved (a former human vampire, falsely classified by the Hunter's Association as Level E) was assigned to be killed by a Kiryuu vampire hunter. Enraged and vengeful, she attacked the Kiryuu family, killed Zero and Ichiru's parents, turned Zero into a vampire, and took Zero's twin, Ichiru, in as a devoted servant. She was originally Rido Kuran's fiancée, but they never married due to his disappearance and finally her death.

Because Shizuka's blood can prevent Zero from falling to Level E, Yuuki risks her life for Zero to be able to drink Shizuka's blood. However, to protect Yuuki, Kaname kills Shizuka and drinks her blood, leaving only a small amount for Zero to drink. Unfortunately the blood is drunk by Ichiru, who arrived to find Shizuka first. Before dying, Shizuka warns Kaname that he will live in darkness and has summoned a sinister future for himself.

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Say What you wish, but i war you; be careful

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Blood_Stained_Truth Report | 09/15/2009 12:11 am
The room was engulfed in a white light and all who touched it suddenly found themselves lost. Coming to, one could clearly see Victor standing in the center of the Cross Academy courtyard. He walked about the lush green plants and hopped up on the edge of a fountain. "Many of you have been wondering about my whereabouts. Where I've been, what I've seen, whom I've been watching, and other such details." Victor looked up at the night's sky, admiring each individual star as if they each had their own story to tell. "I have taught at this academy for only a short while, attempting happiness when Ragnarock and Onimaru changed things forever. I hate them both, I wish a painful death upon them but they do share a common goal with me. I want to end this war, vampires and humans fights endlessly because of petty loss. No-one knows the true value of life anymore, squanderring it away for power or political influence. Our leaders are corrupt shadows of the men we once knew them to and I am damn well tired of it. I am the new breed of vampire, what is known as a 'perfect vampire'. If you haven't seen me feed, it's for good reason. I can control my thirst and sustain myself without a drop of blood. I am the next step in my bretheren's evolution. Meanwhile, Ragnarock has genetically altered humanity to their next step, 'V2 Humans'. Humans that can withstand punishment far beyond normal humans, humans with a resistance to the strain of vampirism strain known as the 'Level E'. I'm even told that few of these humans can willing make themselves C level vampires and still not crave the taste of blood. Everyone, perfection is here. I have the means to bring humanity and vampires to their next stages of evolution, once we grow into new beings then the wars may end. People can choose to be vampires or humans, we can make it all happen. Our leaders will be selected not by their race, but by their integrety and leadership into a brighter future. My utopia is within arms grasp, but there are those who would kill this perfect world. People like Kaname Kuran, wishing to hold tight to an ancient throne. He would have us all die before his precious monarchy even comes close to the common man. Let us not forget the Hunter's Organization, xenophobic humans hell bent on continuing pointless wars with assassination and bloodshed. There are more beings like Kuran and The Hunters, all who would plunge us into darkness before salvation. The world I promise is not one granted easily, there is much fighting to be done and many will die. But we share the same dream, I too will gladly put my life on the line for the mere chance of a utopia. If you can hear this, then this is either a warning to you as my enemy or a plea for help. If you desire this perfect world, if you wish to better yourself and those around you, then I emplore you to come meet me here at the newly restored Cross Academy. Life is too precious for the fighting to conitnue, this conflict will be the last I will see in my time. I will end the war, whether you are with me or against me." Victor held out his hand, he held the same white light that had envelloped the room. "Choose wisely." The light grew once again, Victor vanished with it. Everything was back to normal as if his speech had been some sort of a dream.
Blood_Stained_Truth Report | 06/20/2009 3:39 pm
Ragnarock returned from speaking with Zero, chuckling as he walked back. He leaned in close to Shizuka. "Zero is now ours, willingly. Let us go seek Victor, we need to give Zero all the combat experience we can even if he fails. The more power he can unlock, the better he will lead the Kill Team to killing Kaname."
Forsaken Ichiru Report | 06/19/2009 11:09 am
Forsaken Ichiru
"Maybe..." she let out a soft laugh.

[I don't know. xDDD Seemed like fuuuun~]
Forsaken Ichiru Report | 06/19/2009 10:59 am
Forsaken Ichiru
"I am~!" she exclaimed. "But.. uh.. just not at the moment. It's a freak incident that I'd rather not get into..." she scratched the back of her head and laughed. "So, I guess I'm just going to have to make the best of this until I find a way to change back!"

[I'm just doing it for fun and to note people's reactions
That and I want to bother Aidou with it. xDDD
I'll be switching back to a male in a few weeks when I get bored. n.n]
Forsaken Ichiru Report | 06/19/2009 10:51 am
Forsaken Ichiru
"I know~" she exclaimed. "Isn't it amazing, Shizuka-sama~?"
Kuran Juuri Report | 06/19/2009 8:49 am
Kuran Juuri
{ Ah, just don't worry about my status message, darling. }
Kuran Juuri Report | 06/19/2009 8:14 am
Kuran Juuri
{ Yes, I'll be fine. I'm just baby-sitting this weekend. ^^ }
Blood_Stained_Truth Report | 06/18/2009 5:22 pm
Ragnarock's eyes were still fixed on him. "I am slowly bringing him over to our side. Soon he will be ours by choice and not capture. I will see to it, I warrant it." Ragnarock smirked behind his mask and approached Zero.
Blood_Stained_Truth Report | 06/15/2009 6:38 pm
"Zero? We'll see if he is willing to come of this expedition with us, I am certain he will considering we are going after the one man who could steal Yuuki from him." Ragnarock snickered behind his mask. "First Juuri, then Kaname. Zero will lead a team I have assembled. You see Shizuka, I have been busy. I have gathered all of the most trusted friends belonging to Kaname, I am turning them against him and forcing them to kill him. Zero will lead the charge and emerge victorious. Maria, yourself, and I shall drink his blood then....." Ragnarock chucjled evilly behind his mask, "then nothing will stop either of us ever again."
Blood_Stained_Truth Report | 06/05/2009 12:41 pm
Ragnarock nodded. "We may take Zero along with us, but if you looked more closely you would see that Maria has already left." True to his word, Maria was no-where in sight. "Do not worry, she is in my care. I found out a little trick Victor used to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time." Ragnarock chuckled and pocket a Lugar within his trenchcoat. "Shizuka, we shall leave when you feel best prepared. Keep in mind that Victor and Juuri have already begun fighting."
