
shishichan's avatar

Last Login: 12/21/2008 3:06 am

Registered: 12/15/2006

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True Manticore Report | 12/20/2008 11:47 pm
Thanks!! (^^,)
True Manticore Report | 12/20/2008 11:36 pm
Hey if I don't see you again here before the holidays have a merry Christmas!! Meanwhile I'll also keep hunting for YnM heheh (^^p)

Nice talking to you!

Happy Holidays ^^
True Manticore Report | 12/20/2008 11:13 pm
Yeah I was really lucky because it was the only one they had in stock User Image I'm mad about YnM too, it'll always be my favourite manga, even if Matsushita-sensei discontinues it - God forbid lol! (x_x)
True Manticore Report | 12/20/2008 11:06 pm
I'm kinda out of touch with the story too lately (^^,') but about two weeks ago I bought a YnM poster for my bedroom User Image it's so beautiful, it's Tsuzuki casting a spell. It's really glossy, I can't wait to hang it.
True Manticore Report | 12/20/2008 10:51 pm
I think so, and maybe some of the stories she published in Hana to Yume are already resuming the story from where she left off, you see I'm not entirely sure they're only side stories (^^,') because I haven't been following the magazine, but there may be already updated translations throughout the web, I don't know.
True Manticore Report | 12/20/2008 10:41 pm
I think it's been suspended since 2003 due to mangaka's health issues, but I think she has recently published some side stories in Hana to Yume, so maybe she'll take it up again sometime soon. Let's hope so ^^
True Manticore Report | 12/20/2008 10:31 pm
I agree completely, someone must revive that fandom...! Hopefully a new animated series, already so much material has been released...
True Manticore Report | 12/20/2008 10:21 pm
Yeah, it's definitely worth checking out even if it wasn't updated. It's well written and it may inspire some fics, who know ne?

I did notice that on LJ it's almost always the regular pairings, just when I prefer the unusual ones. I also took a liking to Watari/Tsuzuki but they always portray Watari as the casual/happy-go-lucky/silly scientist when in fact Vol. 11 clearly hints there's a serious and darker side to Watari (just like there's a darker side to Tsuzuki), so I'd love to see more fics braving those possibilities.
True Manticore Report | 12/20/2008 10:12 pm
I even remember the last fic I read about them, it was called "Hearts Caught by Darkness" and it's in AFF.NET. It's not exactly what I was looking for and unfortunately it was never updated, but it was kind of promising not only because the pairing is so rare but especially because the plot was original. There was an interesting twist in Muraki's personality, but surprisingly he was still in character. I wished the author had updated, but I don't think they will now, it's been too long.
True Manticore Report | 12/20/2008 9:56 pm
I have a huge crush on MurxTat but it's so hard to find them.


See that Mistletoe over my head? Gimme a kiss then!