Birthday: 07/25
Remind me to update my interests.
I dont really care who reads what i have to say anymore
xXPain & Sorrow::Cruel MemoriesXx
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Whispered Melody
The autumn wind whispers to her ear
A sweet melody only she may hold dear
As the notes are passed along
A cerulean tear falls down her peach-colored cheeks
A serene response to this silent song
A poetic sound meant only for this girl so meek
Believed to be sent from the heart
Of he who wields the blade as an art
Who travels to meet her once again
So she smiles as the gray sky begins to pour the frozen rain
And the apricot wind carries on the heartfelt melody
As the promise to return to this shy beauty
Her sliver-blue eyes turn not to the origin of the drops
But to the man whom stands before her
And her warmed heart stops
As his blade rests on the rain-soaked ground
She says not a word to her lover
Their eyes never straying from the intense gaze
Her, his arms wrap around
After one step taken with such poised grace
A longed embrace brings both to tears
And the grey sky disperses into an orange sunset
Not a sound was to be heard
Except the soft song flowing through their ears
With the wind..
The last rays of light turned to night as their lips met..
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*huggles* whee