
About me:
Shawdyy Fammous; The Life that i live smile
Yooo, Wussup Gais smile The name is Chelsea Symone Raynor; Yess that is the government, Yess it is indeed. The name Shawdyy Fammous was given to me by the streets. Yu kan call meh wat yu want: Chelsea, Chelz, Symone, Shawdyy Fammous, Fammous, Either way, imma answer yu when yu say my name. 16 years, i have been living this life of mines. My birth date falls into the month of october & my zodiac sign seems to be a Scorpio; Which means im somewhat Intense, passionate, stubborn, driven by emotions; stands up for myself, unable to communicate very well leading to misunderstandings; Yepp that would be me. Lol . ! My sexual orrientation is Lesbian. No im not confused, There are some boys out there that could take my breath away but for the most part im into nothing else but females. Single smile and for the most part im enjoying it. I have my Bi-Polar moments but for the most, im very sweet and caring. I love to tlk and chat so just hitt meh up when yur ready to hold a convo . !