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MUSIC = Life .


Shanyce Noelle Harris; with that OF SWAG .

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SNH , heeeey ;] .

sixteen . junior at a school DUUH .

your opinion ; none of my concern .

i got that O F Swag ; OFWGKTA O.O

i love Tyler The Creater , and Hodgy Beats

sunglasses . summer 2011 . flipflops . ; swag biggrin

i'm always chillll , cause nobody is worth getting hype for .

well, thats all .

ADD ME ON FACEBOOOK; Shanyce Noelle Harris
p.s i don't have time for childish bullshit , so if you bring it . go finger yourself and have a nice day .

kbye . love , SHANYCE .

for all yal wondering im the light skin one do you think im cutee??

comment me to tell me what yhu think :)