I am ___ years old and I am in high school. My online friends and school friends are either a. insane. B. funny C. just fun but odd biggrin !!! I love to act. and be dramatic. and every day my friend asks me what have you gotten your self into now?LOL. I love my life and LOVE TO WRITE POETRY AND SHORT STORIES!
I have been broken but have healed emotion_bandaid and so yea im single again
dun dun dun dun horse rider dun dun dun she gonna ride a horse
dun dun dun dun horse rider duddle duddle shes gonna kick your a**
LOOK ITS FOOD yum_donut yum_donut yum_donut yum_donut yum_donut yum_donut yum_donut yum_icecreampie yum_pumpkinpie yum_wasabipie yum_onigiri yum_hotdog yum_donut yum_cupcake yum_burger cat_4laugh mew
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Step outside but not to brawl
Autumn’s sweet we call it fall
I’ll make it to the moon if I have to crawl and
With the birds I’ll share
This lonely view... <3 <3 <3 <3