things you need to know about a typical asian kid.

ok my name is raymond but people call me rayray. yea i know its a black name or is it??????????idk but it also sounds like a retarded black persons name lol. my hobbies are texting,basketball,basketball,baseball,texting,telling my asians jokes,being funny,and buying things. i do alot of random things like jump,dance,rave,doing stuff,and doing random stuff lol lol.

Ohhhhhhhhhh and before yall leave i need to tell all yall something lol.............I'm black y'all, and I'm black y'all, and I'm blacker than black, and I'm black y'all.

I'm blickedy black blacker than black, black I'm blacker than black, yo! Because I'm black and I'm BACK!

Yo, I'm black and I'm black, y'all, and I'm blacker than black and I'm black y'all. I'm black black black black black black black black black and I'm black, and I'm black because I'm BACK!"