Uniman :]]

sexypanther12's avatar

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About me: Look Below every week for new news and info

Hmmm...What to say...
Well, I guess I'll start out by saying that I've been playing gaia for almost...what...two years or something like that now...But that's not really interesting so i'm going to move on to something else...

I have ALOT of nicknames...Like so many that I could use one for each different day of the week. Some of them have just been made up out of the blue, but others were made to explain my personality... Here i'll try to name just a few of them...
-Sexy lexi
- Lexi sexy ( Please NEVER call me this)
- Lexikins

Yeah so I have a lot more...Oh and if you wanna hear the story about how any of those names we're made just send me a message :]]

Okay so now we move on to the part where I actually begin to talk "About Me". I am a major cluts. I'm serious. Go ask any one of my friends how biig of a clutz I am and they will tell you everythihg I have done to possibly hurt my self.
1: I have slammed my hand through a window and now have a scar ( three scars) Message me if you want THAT story)
2: I have tripped over my own feet
3: I have ran into a fridge
4: Tripped over a bench
5: Slipped on an ice cube
6: Ran into a closet while riding on a baby car/scooter
7: Fell down a flight of concrete steps ( as a baby, and yes, thids does explain ALOT)
8: Was smushed by my Aunt Kerrie ( Again message me if you want to hear that)
9: Got lemon juice, and sutan lotion in my eye...
10: Flipped off a trampoline

Okay yeah...So i'm just a bit clumsy :]]

Anyways If you wanna talk message me...That's another thing I can do...talk. As if you couldn't tellby this long about me section...

OH CRAP! I have to mention some of my most amazing friends :]]
1: Whizman: Okay she is my bestest friend! Me and her are the ORIGINAL superheros./ She really is the most amazing girl I have ever met in my life. She does cheerleading and knows how to do things that if I tried...I would seruiously hurt myself... She will kick your butt if you mess with me, anfd I would do the same for her :]] Trust me, us superhero's don't take things lightly :]]
2: Michelle!!!: She is so tottaly awesome. I've known her since 5th grade, and she has ben there through all the good times and the bad :]] Trist me you seriously don't want to mess with this girl...She will kick your a**. Go ahead and try, see what happens 0.o Anyways but she really is awesome!!

And that's about it...So PEACE OUT!


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Sexypanther's Lypo Journal

Just a little journal telling about me


View All Comments

Malishia Report | 11/19/2008 2:46 pm
Malishia Report | 09/30/2008 12:59 pm
Geez no one comments anymore. Oh well.....
Malishia Report | 08/05/2008 7:16 am
Check out my new signature User Image
amber1293 Report | 06/07/2008 5:30 am
hey call me soon we gotta hang out before you go to michigan.
Denisse-chan Report | 03/28/2008 7:48 pm
Hiiiiiiii n-n thanks for adding me as friend
Malishia Report | 01/13/2008 8:11 am
I've been people's 4th friend but.....

Im your 7TH?!?!?!?!?!?!


I know im your sister but....

you don't have to be THAT mean to me....

Malishia Report | 01/07/2008 3:33 pm
First, amber was hoish, now..... YOU are..... what is wrong with you????


I should've remembered...

You've ALWAYS been hoish......


YOU need some SERIOUS help...
0-KH-Kairi-0 Report | 01/02/2008 3:40 pm
enjoy ur purchase
Sharill Report | 12/30/2007 4:10 pm
also, why am i FLOATING!?!?!


(mebbeh now i can take over the world >.> wink
Sharill Report | 12/30/2007 3:35 pm
im NOT MOODY!!! i just like moons and stuff User Image

also i wouldnt say that >.>


im eternally doomed on your profile T.T

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I. Lost. The. Game.
Don't know what the game is?
Send me a message, I'll be glad to tell you ^^


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