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Hey Hey Hey
My name is KrIsTa im 17 and origanilly from Dallas Tx...but then i moved with my rich daddy in Las Vegas i cant wait untill im 21 ...(big money)... HOPEFULLY but any wayz im very outgoing in a normal kinda way i am also fit , staying in shape is very impoortant to me but i also love all kinds of food amand am willing to try any thing...i dont eat seafood not because its nasty but i just have a mental block about it so ...dont ask ! but most say they hate random pms ...personaly i couldnt give a flying ******** there arnt many things very many times in my life wen i would use the word hate in my life i have many things that i dislike and things that piss me off but im not much of a like i said before i am outgoing so after a couple days of getting to no u i tend to act more like myself i like to joke alot especially with my mom shes like my best friend we can talk about anything fashion, boys, likes and dislikes...etc me and my dad r also very close think hes the coolest i can tell him about a boy i like and he would take me shopping for a cute alphit to where to impress him...but thats enough about me for today any other things ur curious about u can ask me urself..well hopefully ill be lucky enough to no u one day so give me a holla!!!!!
...oh my favorite thing to do is to turn on guys and even better than that is to be turned on