
My life? Don't have one.
My heart? Been broken.
My friends? What friends?
You? Probably don't care.

I'm hated. I care. Call me emo for being depressed, I call it a mental condition worsened by reality. I hate you for laughing, for thinking I'm dumb, or childish. The truth is I turned to the internet because my real life sucked. Now my internet life sucks.

So thanks, to all of you who made it your purpose to destroy me. I refuse to leave, I'll just keep my mouth shut from now on. To all of you who said you cared but secretly didn't give a damn, Thanks. You've made it alot easier to accept that most people in the world are out to hurt anyone they can.

Btw, I'm in love. Always will love this kid, even though I'm pretty sure he hates my guts.

Alright,, now get out.