
Sephiroth-sama's avatar

Last Login: 03/28/2024 11:38 am

Registered: 07/16/2003

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On Sephiroth Cosplays: In all honesty I do not think the Gogh Reed with or without the masquerade bangs looks good as a Sephiroth wig. If you pay attention his hair does not typically move that way and it is far too long. Also depending on the version you're going for, it can be far too white. My choice (Guy's sleek gray) is a little too dark however it's the right length, gets the basic shape right, and is almost bang perfect (just needs to lose one part is all and it's just right). Another awesome choice is the Guy's silken grey, but it is slightly too short. The reason I don't switch to that one is partly because of the length and because I've used Guy's sleek gray ever since it came out because it was a winner at the time.

5th Place Week 42 of 2009
Happy Mask Salesman (re-entry)
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Currently cosplaying the scene in which Sephiroth reads document after document on the Jenova project.

Next cosplay idea is a surprise, but involves Happy Mask hair.

May try Bizarro Sephiroth. Normal Sephiroth will return eventually. Maybe I'll try harder to create a Safer Sephiroth.


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Yuki Nanaho Report | 02/07/2023 3:47 am
Thanks for the buy! heart
Tigerolf Report | 02/06/2023 11:51 pm
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Watashi wa Hitori Report | 07/13/2018 1:37 pm
Thanks for buying~
Annciee Report | 12/04/2016 9:16 pm
Yeah I see your dress id good tho 3nodding Especially when it compares on mine hhaha lol dont think of that way ninja 4laugh
Annciee Report | 12/04/2016 8:53 pm
Thankyouuu soo much sepiroth for buying my item heart heart heart blaugh

A fan of final fantasy here talk2hand blaugh blaugh
MeganFlare Report | 01/11/2011 5:11 pm
lol xp
_xXx-Lux_Ambrosia-xXx_ Report | 10/29/2010 9:54 am
"No problem."
Sephiroth-sama Report | 10/29/2010 1:43 am
I can't believe I missed all these profile comments. I didn't catch the notice and rarely do people post here. Thank you for visiting and posting.
_xXx-Lux_Ambrosia-xXx_ Report | 10/23/2010 8:41 pm
"I really love Sephiroth. I still remain a die hard Final Fantasy VII Fan! Since the 90s lol"

L4mb 0f g0d Report | 08/12/2010 4:49 pm


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