
ScreamoNinja's avatar

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My name is Matty and I'm a very different person. I believe there are times where everyone has to be mature but sometimes being so serious is boring and makes your life dull.

I may be 18 but hell I'm young still, an adult none the less but I love anime. Naruto, Pokemon, Bleach, DBZ, Dragon Ball, Inyuyasha, Gundam (any series except SD) Yugioh, are mostly my faves.

I love screamo music, hardcore, and rock in general. The old blessthefall/bless the fall will always be my favorite but the new Escape The Fate is what's happenin' for me right now and I can't wait for Craig Mabbitts new side band "Our Last Bow"; their ep still TBR.

I believe in God but not religion, not at all it causes war and problems. But that is my belief. I think everyone should be equal because fighting is pointless even though everyones wanted to kick someones a** at least once in their life. I think money isn't important eventhough nothing is free anymore. I believe in love, but true love is more real than just the word.

I consider myself to be pretty smart, not a genius or anything but I'm pretty computer savy and want to go to college to major in something in that area. I've always thought psychology was interesting but prophets are way cooler.

If I could be in any time period it'd be in the times where knights ruled the earth. Ninjas are cool don't get me wrong but a life in constant danger 24/7 just isn't realistic. OH! and pirates are kick a**! Did I mention I loooove pirates.

I like going to the movies and hate when I can't go opening day lawl. I used to be spoiled so bad being an only child but I'm learning to deal with life. Some days suck, some days make you sit and think about how good you've got it. And I'm greatful for everything I've got.

Video games are always fun and when I'm not playing my 360 (which has to be fixed) I'm playing my dsi, or my psp (old gen). Right now Soul Silver has been my fav game to come out on ds. My other fav games include silent hill, pretty much any star wars game, fall out 3, oblivion, etc.

I'm not sure why I'm telling all of you this but I'm being honest, just hoping to make some friends who have my same ideals. I have a myspace, facebook, twitter, but they're boring. If theres anything else you wanna know ask, my aim is EscapeTheMatty I'm always mobile so hit me up, I love making new firends smile


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ScreamSinLynnSky Report | 10/03/2009 9:58 pm
nada and u?
ScreamSinLynnSky Report | 10/03/2009 5:24 am
hello ^.^

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