
/*Profile Coded by Aryvane. Steal and I'll stab your with my spork.*/

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Viewing 6 of 6 comments.

OLD Indescribable Wolfy

Report | 07/23/2010 9:09 am

OLD Indescribable Wolfy

nope, i love it wink

Report | 06/24/2010 4:42 am


cool avi

Report | 03/11/2010 3:50 am


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Report | 03/11/2010 3:45 am


Scattered Moonlight

Report | 03/11/2010 3:45 am

Scattered Moonlight

Scattered Moonlight

Report | 03/11/2010 3:43 am

Scattered Moonlight

When you walk away


I count the steps that you take.