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Sayuke Kamiruya

Sayuke Kamiruya's avatar

Last Login: 10/05/2008 10:26 am

Registered: 11/20/2004

Gender: Female

Location: California

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Let's just get straight to the point, shall we?

I COULD NOT LIVE without music. I listen to everything from country, to opera, to death metal, to hip hop. I usually listen to metal though. I love to sing, and I write my own music and lyrics. I play the piano, and I'm learning the guitar. I love acting as well. Dancing is amazing. So, performing all around, pretty much.

I love to read and write. That's pretty much all I do in my spare time. I write Fan Fiction as well as my own stories and poetry. I will read pretty much anything. I love gothic literature, mysteries, romance novels, fantasy, nonfiction...Anything, seriously. Some of my favorites are:

-The Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer (I'm looking up support groups. I'll leave it at that.)
-The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
-Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
-Pride & Prejudice, Emma, Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen
-Edgar Allan Poe. Anything.
-"Mysteries of the Unknown" Time Life Series

I am really into psychic ability, demonology, mysticism, mythology, ancient civilizations, conspiracy theories, paranormal research, and pretty much everything Occult. Except Satanism. I love to learn about a lot of different things.

I'm going to be a psychologist some day. I want to be able to help people through things that I had to go through alone. Plus, the human psyche is fascinating and we don't know enough about it...

My friends and family are the reason I breathe. I would do anything for them, because they do so much for me. I really see no distinction between the two. They have been there when I wasn't even there for myself. They are, quite literally, the reason why I'm still breathing today.

Random Facts:

I'm Wiccan. And no, I don't worship the devil.
I have OCD.
I'm a Virgo, which probably explains my OCD.
I'm really tall for a girl, so no high heels for me.
Tabasco sauce is delicious with everything. And yes, I mean everything.


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Mokonaisgod666 Report | 11/24/2006 8:55 pm
seriously, you need a hobby no more just spending time with mikey....ann loves you to...*sniffle* and so dose eric, kevin, daniel, ally, and everyone else.....and it realy sux that you moved...im pissed stupid cassey
Pax et lux Report | 12/27/2005 10:27 pm




I've got 5 words for you, God: You'll never take me alive!!!
