Join my guild, please! It's a pretty awesome writing guild with a really cheap entry fee.
I like The Sims 3, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Zutara (definitely NOT Kataang), and anything else you want to know about me is at others of you who like Avatar: the Last Airbender, I have a good fanfiction here at:
Tara: the Last Timebender ninja I'm secretly a ninja!
ninja It's SUPER secret, so don't tell anyone, 'kay?
whee And in the words of Brennivin at Dernier Cri:
"Sometime Gaian can walk off cliff to bespelled flying store! Other times, we go to other place, and Gaian should not walk off cliff. Is not magic."
Captain MacMillan does not need his rifle, it needs him.
The only time MacMillian was wrong was when he thought he made a mistake.
The reason people mow thier lawn is to make sure MacMillan isn't there.
Captain MacMillian doesn't retreat, he just attacks in the other direction.
In Soviet Russia, Captain MacMillan still snipes you!
In Russia, they have MacMillan shelters. He can still get in.
Every time someone refers to MacMillan FACTS as MacMillan JOKES, he raises the radiation level in Chernobyl by 1 Rontgen.
MacMillan doesn't dodge bullets, the bullets dodge him.
MacMillan stopped that helicopter with his hand, he just decided to test Price by pretending to be hurt.
When MacMillan crawls, grass seperates in fear.
MacMillan CAN believe its not butter.
MacMillan's side always has greener grass.
MacMillan sees all.
Captain MacMillan can burn ants with his sniper night.
He went skydiving once, but never went again because we don't need a 2nd Grand Canyon.
The Boogyman may check under his bed for Chuck Norris... but Chuck Norris checks under his bed for Captain MacMillan.Hm, I don't like you. Why don't you:Have some skull tunnels!Go headbutt a bullet.Go catch some horrible disease.Go catch SQUAIDS.Call a tactical nuke on your position.~OR~Take a walk through the downtown alleys of Flint and/or Detroit.'Nuff said. 3nodding
This is gonna be worse than the time I divided by zero! eek
and these are my dream avis

And this one was just for fun:
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P.S. How?
No, I haven't, but I know it's good. I'm thinking about maybe watching it/reading it, but I'm not sure. .-.
Have a fun and safe trip!!! 8DDDDDDDD
WHOA. o_o
My name wasn't all that common, but now I meet a hecka lotta people named Kayla. xDD
And no problem! Good luck to you! biggrin
SOrry i left without saying anything...i had to go somewhere and my parents were rushing me. : P
Haha, goodluck!! ^-^
And make sure to post really cool comments, then people will be more interested in your little advertisement. ^-^